Part 13

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You are still sitting on the kitchen floor not longer crying but sobbing. And then you hear key in the front door. It can be mom or Jake you don't care you don't have energy to look up. Then you hear voice

"Omg Y/n are you alright? What happened?!" It is mom

You are staying quiet and continue sobbing. You feel hand on your shoulder

"Y/n i don't force you to talk but you need to go to the bed it's late." Your mom says in comfortable voice

You look up and see your mom close to you still dressed from outside. The more you are looking at her the more you can see she is worry about you

You nod and try to stand up but you were sitting too long so your legs are weak. When you are about to fall your mom catch you just in time

"Come on Y/n. You can hold me." Your mom says and you do as she says. You two go upstairs to your room

Your mom put you in the bed and put a blanket over you. When she is about to leave the room she hears your weak and tired voice

"Mom?" You say quietly

"Yes sweetheart?" Your mom answers

"I love you mom" you say

"I love you too Y/n" this words were the last thing you heard before you fell asleep

You wake up because of some voices from downstairs. You sit up and rub your eyes to fully wake up. When you are fully awake you go downstairs but when you are on the stairs you hear everyone suddenly stop talking

You know they are in the kitchen so you go there and see your mom and  Jake

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here" you say clearly frustrated and point at Jake

Jake tries to answer but your mom is faster

"Darling, Jake is here because of me--" your mom says calmly tries not to get you mad but Jake interrupts her

"No, i came here alone. Your mom didn't invite me." Jake says and steps in front of your mom

You don't say anything you are waiting for reason why is he here. It can be tell that you are burning a hole into his head because of that stare

"I-..I wanted to make sure that you are okay" he says

You loose words. He really thinks that you can make a suicide because of some stupid party

"Really Jake?!!...YOU REALLY THOUGHT THAT I WOULD HURT MYSELF. Wow. You are really a friend. You should be ashamed of yourself Jake!!" You yell at him in front of your own mom

She of course knows what you came through in the past. So she doesn't want you to go through it again

"Please Y/n--" your mom tries to say and tries to touch your arm to calm you down

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" You yell at her instead of Jake

But Jake pushes you away " Hey!! Don't you dare to touch her again.. you need to calm down!" He yells at you but not that much as you

But you lost it and punch him straight into his face

"Y/N!!" Shouts your mom and runs to Jake to help him

You can't move or speak or anything. You are just standing there and watching your worst nightmare which is that you hurt one of your friends or family. You are disappointed by yourself and so angry at yourself

You can't be here anymore you go back to your room as fast as you can and lock the door behind you

Meanwhile your mom is cleaning blood from Jake's face and apologizing to him

You are so sad and angry at the same time. There are so many emotions in you right now

That thought that you won't hurt anyone who you love is gone. You hurt Jake your only true friend who was with you all the time. But now. You ruin everything. Why? Because you fell deep down so deep and you don't know if you can go back up. You don't know if you can trust yourself anymore. You couldn't control yourself. What if Jake didn't stop you? Would you hurt your own mom? You don't know and you don't want to know. You don't want to know how far you can go because of your past and current problems you have

Damn i have so much ideas now and i really enjoy writing right now so beee readyy for next parts soon. (And vote of course:)
Love you all

Just Mine | Sadie Sink X Female readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang