The Wedding (Part 2)

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You and Five shared laughs together. Taking shots each time you would blush or laugh you would have to take a shot. Unfortunately for you, you're easily flustered so you had taken many shots. Five is tipsy as he had taken a couple shots. Klaus came walking over with a wide smile

"Cinco! Ocho! Mi hermano y cuñada!" Klaus excitedly says with a smile.

"Oh god. What do you want?" Five mumbles looking at Klaus who sits down next to him

"Listen to me, Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So what do you say you, me and wifey pop up to the suite for a little chitchat?" Klaus says slyly with a wink

"Are you like Frick and Frack with the old man now?" Five questions shoving a piece of fruit in his mouth

"This dad's different. He's a turtle. Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside" Klaus describes with a lot of detail making you raise an eyebrow as Five puts his drink down in annoyance

"Klaus" Five mumbles

"Yeah?" Klaus questions unamused

"Old dogs like me and him never change. He has never had our best interests at heart. So, my plan for tonight is to get fucked up beyond all recognition and possibly rearrange Y/n's insides" Five explains with a smirk when turning to you. You have your hands on your face hiding the blush that took over your cheeks from him statement

"Sure. Have at it" Klaus mumbles in defeat

"We shall" You say with a high pitch voice as you watch Five gulp town his alcohol watching his Adam's apple bop up and down from the swallowing of his drink

"Want some?" Five questions picking up the stick that had fruit on it. You nodded and Five pulled you closer holding out the stick for you to take a bite but before you could a flash appeared blinding you making Five and you grunt before blinking repeatedly

"Ow" You murmur still blinking.

"You okay, Y/n?" Viktor questions sitting on the other side of you as you give him a drunken smile

"Your brother is hot" You try to whisper but fail as you point at Five. Five laughs and wraps an arm around your shoulder kissing your cheek for a relatively long time before pulling away but keeping his arm around you

"Is she..." Viktor trails off

"She lost...a lot" Five shrugs before turning around hearing the sound of the elevator door ding. You also turn around and it reveals Reginald Hargreeves also known as your Dad. Well...everyones Dad apart from Lila. The Sparrows real Dad and the Umbrella's supposedly Dad in another timeline. Weird right? Anyway, you watch him as he walks over to an empty table placing himself down

Five just rolls his eyes and grabs another stick covered in fruit and takes a bite making a loud crunching noise. The juice of the fruit spilled everywhere on the table making you frown

"The white cloth" You moan like a child as Five looks down at the now stained cloth. He just shrugs and Viktor laughs. Watching you frown more as Five purposely makes the juice of the fruit go everywhere on the table as he eats

"Why is he here?" Viktor whispers to the two of you motioning to Reginald. You look over at him and raise an eyebrow. The arm Five has around you turns your jaw making you look at them again so you didn't look like you were staring at him

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