Chapter 16- Lots to Catch Up On

Start from the beginning

"They didn't understand for Mal, and she was just dating a prince. As excited as I am to have a family, I'm willing to bet they will have their strict rules," I explained, my back to him as I said this.

"I won't say that you're wrong. But for today, just focus on the dance. It will be something that the public will love for their new princess. Something prim and proper." Clarence mentioned, and I nodded, turning back towards him.

"I suppose that's true. Now, enough of this emotional stuff. Let's practice some lifts."


The ballet was going perfect.

Getting to throw my snowflakes around was incredible, and the crowd applauded everytime.

It also helped keep me calm through it, giving the release of the magic throughout it.

I tried to avoid eye contact with the crowd, because I knew what everyone was expecting there.

The reporters were waiting for me to fail, to catch their new villain princess mess up in front of everyone.

Gale was sitting in the corner, not disturbing anyone, but I knew that she was there.

Audrey was sitting, still fuming that I had gotten the lead, however not doing anything to impede the ballet.

Most likely, she knew that interfering would look worse on her than it would on me.

Finally, it was the last scene, Nukka and I holding hands as Arendelle stood behind us, and I sent hundreds of glowing snowflakes into the theatre.

Everyone stood, giving us a standing ovation.

I glanced around, nervous about the amount of people staring at us.

"You're freezing my hand," Nukka whispered, and I gently let go for a bow.

"Sorry," I muttered, before walking off stage.

"Are you ready for the party part?" Nukka asked, smiling at me.

"What? There's a party?" I asked, and she nodded.

"It's like a dance for the school. The parents who came to the event come for a little while, before leaving. Did no one tell you?" She asked, and I shook my head quickly.

I saw Evie running in holding a dress bag, headed straight for me.

"Okay I heard about this dance a little late too, I swear they hate updating us villain kids, either way I made you a dress. Don't worry, it's not too Auradon." Evie said with a huge smile, handing me the bag.

"I also have a little tiara for you. It won't be proper like something they would give you but I thought for today it would be good," she added, pulling out a little case out of her purse.

"This is a lot. Thank you Evie," I said softly, and she grinned at me.

"Well I mean, if I can say I dressed the lost princess in one of her first times being introduced, that's pretty cool. Plus I kinda like you," she said, bumping my shoulder.

"Now go get ready! You were the lead in the ballet, get that stage makeup off and get your pretty makeup on!" She shooed me towards the change rooms.

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