IV: The Dream

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Tired from their quest, the two rested inside the cave. Then Pigeott began to prepare supper for his guest and the dragon while Leo started cleaning, sanding, and polishing the tools and then the materials, using abrasive tools from the magic belt, upon the sculptor's instructions. It took a long time to cook and to clean the marble and ivory as well. Finally, half done with the task, Leo was called by Pigeott to the dining table in the meadow outside the cave, right under the night sky and its mangled stars. This reminded him of a dining table which he crashed into, somewhere in a faraway island he was determined to return to.

"Eat well thy guest," the host offered. "To our partnership and to a job well done!" He toasted his wine with Leo's goblet.

"Uhm, I'm underage, right?" Leo commented.

"It doesn't matter! It's not very intoxicating so don't worry. Let's just enjoy the reward of our good labor!" Pigeott answered.

They made a toast and drank. The wine tasted like the enchanted liquid from Leo's home, Camp Half-Blood. Somehow, this made him miss his home and friends back there.

"This just tastes like nectar, with wine," he said.

"Ye, I mixed nectar with wine, so that our energy will be renewed," replied the host of the house.

They gave Festus a hearty meal of meat and water then continued to eat a good supper.

"Delicioso!" Leo noted. "I'm glad you cook well!"

"Ha-ha, gracias! Buen provechos!" Pigeott replied.

"You speak Spanish too?" Leo asked, amazed.

"Ye, only a little. I also speak Greek and Turkish, the major languages here in Cyprus. Aside from that, I can speak Latin and English! You're lucky I speak English fluently, or thou would not understand me."

"Yeah right, ancient English with the '-eth', thou's and thine's," Leo muttered.

"Hmph!" Pigeott scowled.

They ate ravenously from a tiring day in silence. When they were done, they started to talk.

"So, this quest for love...and this girl, she is important to thou, right? Or else thou would not have goneth to such lengths...."Pigeott noted.

"Yep," Leo answered, absent-mindedly. "She's stuck on a secret island, which no man could ever return to. But I vow to return there and free her from her imprisonment."

"Oh, that story sounds familiar!" Pigeott exclaimed. "That's like the story of Calypso, right? Who marooned the Odysseus in her island! Am I correct?"

"Yes," Leo answered. He did not mention that Calypso was actually the girl in his own love story.

"Why is she stuck? Why doeth thou have to rescue her?"

"Because...I love her...."Leo whispered, almost inaudibly. "Isn't it obvious?! That's why it's called a quest for love, right?" Leo boomed, shaking away the sentimentality from their conversation. "She's stuck because she helped her father in the first Titan war. The gods have imprisoned her as a punishment! Actually, it's unfair! She was just helping her father, which is just natural! And then, Percy Jackson came along and made the gods swear to pardon and release the prisoners of the war which was long over. But the gods forgot her! She's still stuck in that island!" Leo steamily replied, unaware of his anger for Calypso's behalf.

"Okay, steady kid," Pigeott calmly told Leo. "Aha! So she is Calypso indeed! How amazing!"

"What?! How did you know?" Leo asked, bewildered.

"Because thou mentioned his father, which I assume is Atlas, and the first Titan war! Ha-ha, thou can't keepeth any secret from me, kid!" Pigeott teased.

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