5. Unexpected Situations

Start from the beginning

"How did you deal with the trouble?" I show I'm frustrated with my tone as it seems like Theo is saying nothing.

"Well um we spoke to the guy and he decided to drop his issue with Vincent."

"Who's we? Is Adam and Matt involved in these jobs too?" I'm starting to realise I don't even know my own brother.

"I can't say that. With Vincent's job it was just me and a few of my guys."

"But why ask you to do it? Surely Vincent could get bigger, professional people do to that? I mean... I saw the amount of guards with him at the lobby."

Theo laughs. "You know nothing."

I stare at him blankly even more annoyed. "Then tell me, why are you keeping all of this a secret. Give me details."

"When you're my wife I will." He states smugly, pushing it in my face that I don't deserve to know these things.

I automatically get defensive as anger begins to slowly fuel inside me. "So you don't trust me? Is that what it is?"

He hesitates and shifts in the bed. "I mean at least I know you're down for me as my wife."

"I'm down for you regardless. We've spoken about marriage so many times yet you're always so hesitant."

"I'm not hesitant I just want to wait a bit."

"Why? Am I not good enough? Am I not perfect enough?" My body temperature increases as anger grows more and more inside me. I scoff. "You know your whole personality is you thinking you're some big cool gangster, killing people for the fun of it. That's your job! That's what's giving you money! That's what's probably going to pay for our future, our family! It's disgusting. Everything you've built up is based on ruining peoples lives. Yeah they might've been bad people but people change Theo! You're ruining families for the fun of it. That could be us one day. Karma will come if you don't change."

Theo stares at me for a while then begins to reply. "I have protection, karma won't come. Nothing will happen to us."

"Seriously? After all of that, that's all you have to say? You know what? Fuck you and fuck your shady job, you're a murderer and I don't want to get married to a murderer." 

I instantly regret saying all of that but I'm too angry to drop this and own up. 

I begin to get up and head for the correct door to leave, I hear Theo calling my name behind me and I choose to ignore it. 

He reaches me before I open the door and places himself between me and the door. "You don't even have the key on you or your phone."

I walk back to get my phone then face him, avoiding eye contact. "Give me the key." I demand whilst placing my hand out.

"Wait, let's just talk first." He pleads as he holds my hand.

I push his hand away from me. "Get off me and give me the key, I don't want to talk to you."

"You don't even know your way around the hotel to be wondering around."

"I'll figure it out, just give me the key. Why are you being so difficult?"

"Savannah." His voice sounds so broken as he says my name.

Emotions start to get the better of me as tears begin to fall down my face which I wipe away quickly. All of the frustration and anger that has been building up makes me break down.

"Please Savannah, can we talk first then you're free to do whatever you want." He tries to hold my hand again.

I look at him and see sadness in his eyes, I nod whilst the tears are still falling down my face.

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