Finally Home

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While they were on their way home,everybody was talking amongst themselves.Dave looked at his eldest son,who was sitting on the left side of his youngest."Hey Alvin,listen".Dave started.Alvin's left ear twitch letting Dave know he was listening." Why on earth would you leave the house without letting us know? Do you know how worried that made me?",Dave questioned the eldest 'munk.Sighing,Alvin adgusted his side of the seat belt he was currently sharing with his brothers."Dave,I just thought that by me running away I couldnt ruin anyone else's lives.According to you,I messed the flowers you told me not to touch,Simon thinks I broke his experiement..I ruined Brittany's shirt".Alvin said glumily." I thought everyone would be better off without me".Dave sighed and as he came to red light ,gently ruffled his furry cheek." Alvin those things happened on accident,that doesn't make you a bad kid".Dave told him." Did you try to fix them?".Alvin nodded.Smiling Dave added." Then thats all we could ever ask for.Mistakes happen,it could happen to everyone.Its our job as a family to correct them.Forgive and forget right?".When the light turned green,Dave continued driving,but first he had to make a pit stop when suddenly he felt someone rear end him.Dave looked through the rear-view mirror and sighed annoyed.He felt it again.At this point Dave was fuming." I'll check it out Dave".Alvin told him,wiggling out from under the seatbelt.Alvin hopped onto the backrest portion of the seat where The Chipettes currently sat and looked out the small window to come eye-to-eye to a very familiar foe the encountered."Aw nuts".He said.Simon hearing his older brother decided to join him and looked out the window as well."Oh no not him again,does he ever give up?".Questioned the genius among the Trio.Dave looked at his twin-munk children."What's wrong guys?And why is that guy keep tail-gating me?".Asked Dave."Nothing Dave,its all good".They said in unison.

Who are they and why are they after Dave and The Chipmunks

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