"Yeah, babies. Arella isn't a baby. She probably wouldn't even like it. I won't make her do something she won't like."

"Then let her try and if she doesn't like it she doesn't have to continue. It could be a good bonding thing between you two." Damon flops down on his pillow, closing his eyes. A signal that he's done talking.

"Fine. I'll try if she shows signs of wanting to." I finally capitulate.


Morning comes quicker than I would like it to. Gianni is already off to school and I can hear Alessandro tapping on his keyboard. Since Alessandro is so smart, he graduated at only eleven years old. That's what happens when you remember every single thing you see and hear.

He's even got two college degrees. I just fear he's wasting his life away, hiding in his room instead of using his brain for good. I just refuse to make him do something that makes him unhappy. It doesn't seem fair.

"You ready to get the day started, little lady?" I ask Arella as I carry her down the hall.

Davide and Andrea are sitting around the dining room table, munching on some food our chef made. Instead of hiding away in my neck like I thought she would at the sight of the boys, Arella stares blatantly at Davide.

He crosses his eyes, sticking his tongue out at her. She giggles. Actually giggles. The sound startles the three of us. I don't think we've heard her laugh before. It's a light sound, tinkling like little bells.

I love it.

"Is Davide being funny?" I inquire through laughter of my own.

Arella's whole body shakes as she giggles and laughs. Soon enough, Damon appears in the living room, recording the whole thing. He's smiling from ear to ear, a rare sight from my gruff husband.

Davide keeps making faces so Arella keeps laughing. Her cheeks turn a rosy pink and her head tosses back. I can tell that she needed this laugh.

My son eventually stops his faces, causing Arella to frown. She sticks out her lower lip, whining.

"Awe, baby. Don't make that face at me. I'm sorry." He apologizes as he stands to take her from my arms.

She sticks her head in his neck, reaching up to play with his nose. He pretends to nibble on her hand while walking back to his chair. What shocks me the most is how he shares his food with her.

Davide has his flaws. He's goofy, but refuses to share his food. He's even threatened to stab Andrea for touching a dinner roll on his plate one time. I had to tell them that there's no stabbing at the dinner table.

"Is that yummy? You like pancakes?" As per usual, Arella doesn't answer his question.

She has to know and understand some words. It seems she just doesn't want to sometimes.

"I'm off to work," Damon says into my ear after pressing kisses to my neck, "It's going to be a long day. Don't wait up for me."

I know what that means. I've been his wife for nearly nineteen years now. He's going to take care of business. Business that I'll never know about. While I'm not naive, I know he's the head of the New York mafia. I just choose to not know.

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