V - Weasley's Wizard Weezes

Start from the beginning

Mr. Weasley had been able to get one of the ministry's car and we walked ot it. I turned to the loverbirds we were leaving behind. "Don't have too much fun, kids!"

Fleur laughed at my comment and the both waved all of us goodbye. Ms. Weasley explained that Harry had the right to maximum security and we would have backup for Diagon Alley as well. Perks of having a dark wizard after you, am I right? Thankfully, the backup seemed to be Hagrid. 

"Harry! Anna!" he wrapped his arms around us in a tight hug. "You should see Buck- i mean Witherwings - he's so happy to be back out in the wild."

"Oh, I'm glad. He deserves it," I said with a smile.

The place was deserted. I felt my heart squeeze as we arrived in Diagon Alley. All the windows were covered in posters from the ministry with images from Death Eaters escapees and ministry's suggestion as to how to be safe.

I followed blindly behind the Weasley's and went with the parents and Ginny to get the books while my brother and his friends went to get their clothes done again for the year. I didn't need to do so anyways.

Finally, we saw the Twins shop. I let out a little scream in glee, it was absolutely gorgeous. I hurried up to the shop, excited to see the inside. Everything was so full of life and joy, I couldn't have fought the smile creeping up my face even if I had tried to. I spotted Fred up the stairs and immediately went up to him.


"Anna! There's my favorite non-Weasley redhead!"

I hugged him quickly. "This is amazing! It's absolutely gorgeous!"

"Thank you, thank you. We couldn't have done it without your brother though. Where is he?"

"Down there with the others," I answered simply. 

"Great. Here," he pointed behind a curtain. "George's over there, you should go see him."

I walked towards the curtain as Fred went down the stairs. George moved boxes around and I waited for him to put it down before lightly grabbing his shoulders.

He twirled around and smiled when he saw me. "Anne!"

"Hey Georgie." He engulfed me in a hug and I eagerly returned it. "How are you?"

"Great, they're really great. Business is going amazingly."

"Just business?"

"No, not just business." He smiled shyly. "I told Fred. About Lee and me."


"Yeah." He smiled and I saw how emotionnal he was. I grabbed his hands in mine and smiled at him. "He supports us, says he'll be there when we're ready to tell the rest of the family."

"I'm so happy for you, George. Still going strong with Lee then?"

"Stronger than ever," another voice said behind me.

"Lee!" I jumped up and he hugged me, spinning me around.

"How are you, you little devil?"

"Good, can't wait to go back to Hogwarts."

"Can't wait to see your little girlfriend you mean," he said with a smug smile and I slapped his arm. 

"Shut up."

"George, I'm showing Harry around, do you want to come along?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, coming. Don't do anything stupid you two."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I said.

George gave Lee a quick kiss before walking out and I jumped up on a desk. Lee sat down next to me and we stayed quiet for a little while.

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now