11 - Actify

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Shiloh knew exactly what Malin was getting at them for, "Yes, Sir." They gripped Malin's hand tightly as Rhett lead the way off the plane and through the airport to baggage claim.

Shiloh followed along happily as they started to fully wake up. They were excited to be somewhere new and actually have the opportunity to look around and enjoy it. Shiloh was too busy taking in the architecture of the massive airport to take notice of any of the people glancing at them.

Rhett left Shiloh and Malin standing by the wall as he went to gather the luggage. "How far is the house? What's it like?"

"It's about a four-hour drive from here. The house is a little two-bedroom cottage tucked back in the woods. There's a little trail that leads back to a waterfall. Malin watched as Shiloh's eyes lit up with excitement. "No pushing it. You still need to take it easy or you'll be back on bed rest."

Shiloh pouted at him, "Okaaaay, I'll be good."

Shiloh tried to hide their disappointment at the second room. A lot had changed over the past two weeks spent in the small studio apartment. Shiloh pushed themselves one too many times and the two ended up plopping them on the bed with an order not to move with one of them practically standing guard the whole time. Shiloh managed to talk them into letting them sleep on the pullout couch, but they did find themselves wedged between the two bodies a handful of times.

When they finally made it to the car, Shiloh made themselves comfortable in the backseat with head pressed against the window. Shiloh was entranced by the new landscape the whole ride. Rhett would look through the rearview mirror at Shiloh's grinning face, unable to help his own large smile. Malin would sneak glances just the same. Shiloh's excitement was making him excited, even if he hid it under his serious exterior. Shiloh was bouncing as Rhett drove them down a long driveway before parking the car in front of a quaint cabin surrounded by tall trees. The car wasn't even in park when Shiloh threw the door open and rushed to the front door only to pout as it refused to open. They waited impatiently on the front step for the two men.

"Come oooooooooon. I wanna see!" Shiloh turned their pouting face to them only for their eyes to widen at Malin's narrowed eyes and quick steps.

In just seconds Malin was in front of Shiloh nearly chest to chest with Shiloh's back pressing against the door, "If you ever get out of the car before it is in park again, I will turn on the child-lock and you will get a seatbelt that only Rhett and I can unlock. Is that understood?" Shiloh was nodding before the sentence was even finished. "Words."

"Y-yes, Sir." Shiloh's eyes looked everywhere but at Malin's. "I'm sorry..."

Malin gave a small smile, "It's okay, Doll. We just don't want you to get hurt. We worry about your safety."

Shiloh's face scrunched in confusion, "No need to worry about me..."

Before Malin could respond Rhett walked up behind Malin holding a couple of bags, "We care about you, Baby. We're going to worry and there's not a thing you can do to change it." He leaned over and kissed the corner of Malin's lips before just brushing his lips over Shiloh's forehead. "Can you unlock the door, MJ? If Shiloh waits any longer they might just break the door down."

Malin chuckled at Shiloh's pink-tinted cheeks and easily opened the door, "Go on. It's not much, but go explore. I think you'll like the backyard the most. I'm going to make some food before we head to the club. Rhett will put your bags in one of the rooms." With a squeal, Shiloh was gone to peak in every room.

It didn't take long for Rhett to have all the bags inside and for Malin to have a plate of sandwiches. They knew Shiloh had passed through the kitchen to the backyard earlier and hadn't come back inside, so with help from Rhett the two carried the meal to the table on the back porch.

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