Gerard was grinning as he looked around. His eyes fell on me, and I felt a proper, genuine smile split across my face. There was honestly nothing special about the place itself, I was just so happy to be here with Gerard. I knew that would be true of pretty much anywhere that we went, too.

"Hey, shall we go and get coffee, or something?"

Gerard's eyes were darting around at the many coffee shops dotted around our immediate surroundings. I could see four just from here. Without waiting for an answer, Gerard took off in the direction of the Starbucks, leaving me to follow him. I was only a little way behind when he stopped, and turned to take my hand.

"Gerard?" I started awkwardly, knowing that his reaction to what I was about to say was probably not going to be particularly great. I was a bit embarrassed about saying it- especially to Gerard.

"Yeah?" He sounded mildly interested, although not in a rude way. He simply sounded as though his attention was stolen by our surroundings, and I couldn't really blame him, honestly. I was only half-concentrating, too.

I smiled awkwardly as I met his eyes.

"I don't like coffee."


"Quite honestly, you disgust me," Gerard said, dark eyes affixed on mine over the rim of his cup. We were sitting at opposite sides of the table, and whereas I was grinning, knowing that he was joking really, Gerard was looking more as though I'd killed something he loved, rather than told him I didn't like coffee.

Actually- thinking about it- they were pretty much the same thing.

"It tastes like vomit," I said simply, lifting my cup to my lips. There had been much debate over what I was having when we'd ordered. Gerard had insisted that I have coffee, getting all 'parental' on me and insisting that I hadn't properly tried proper coffee. I completely ignored him and got some sort of warm milkshake thing. It wasn't great but it was better than whatever Gerard was trying to fob me off with.

"Good vomit."

My eyes narrowed. "There is such thing as good vomit?"

Gerard shook his head, smiling again properly. "Not really. I taught myself to get past the taste for its healing properties."

I took another sip of the drink and looked at him sideways. "Healing properties?"

"Okay so I'm less likely to fall asleep, leave me alone."

I scoffed as he raised the cup to his lips again. Trying my best (and probably failing amazingly) to match the faux-outraged expression that Gerard had mastered, I met his eyes again.

"A possibility of falling asleep in my company?"

Gerard laughed, a quick chuckle, but it was a laugh nonetheless and a very adorable one at that.

"Okay, okay, fine."

We both fell quiet after that, though every time I looked up, Gerard was still smiling bemusedly to himself. After about five minutes of silence, he put the cup down on the table and looked at me.

"Even though we did just have a conversation about vomit."


Gerard and I had spent about an hour simply walking around the center, looking at pretty much everything we passed. None of the shops interested us particularly, although a quick look in the odd musical-looking one was about as much as we got on the shopping front.

In fact, the atmosphere around the shops wasn't really the best thing ever. It was too mainstream and crowded, with most of the shops selling colourful clothes or sickness-inducing tracksuits and typical things like that. Eventually, we came across a small side-street and followed it, hoping that it would lead us somewhere with a bit more... atmosphere. There was no point coming here for a shopping trip when there were much better things to do than go shopping.

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