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We are on the drive home. "I'm surprised I didn't see a guy like jimmy-steve there" I say laughing. "yeah i'm glad!" Fi says laughing. The car goes silent. We're in the house now i whisper to Fiona "pass this on to V and tell her to keep it a secret until i'm ready to tel Debbie and carl. I've already told lol because he was there but Ian asked me out before we left" "y/n said not to tell anyone cuz she will tell Debbie and carl when she's ready but Ian asked her out before she left" Fiona and V are jumping up and down about me telling them. "why are you guys screaming" lip asks. "DO YOU KNOW ABOUT" V says, then she eyeballs me and Ian to give him a hint. "oh yeah I knew because I was there" lip says. "Are you wearing my deodorant y/n?"Ian asks me. "um yeah" I say nervous and embarrassed. V and Fiona "ooooooo" me. "since Debbie and carl can't hear me, I think i'm just gonna tell both of them oke by one. and I'm sure Liam will know when he's older." I say. We left the door unlocked so Kevin stumbled in and locks the door. "you guys are partying without me??!" kev asks offended. he's pulls out wine from his back and we all are yelling. kev and I do out handshake we never told anyone until then. "I'm dating Ian kev!" "WHAT NO WAY DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW??" he says happily. "everyone except Debbie and Carl. don't worry, You definitely wouldn't be the last person I'd tell." I say with a smile on my face.


Everyone goes home and Fi is chilling on the couch and has had a little to much to drink. she's asleep on the couch and so I grab a pillow and a blanket and tuck her in. I send Debbie and carl upstairs for their last day of school before the weekend. Debbie fusses a bit but still does it. So does Carl. They are asleep so I put Liam to sleep and he's out. lip jumps on his bed and I get in first. Ian gets in bed and Just so Lip won't make fun of us I tell lip goodnight and he says it back. I whisper "I love you Ian" into his chest but he can still hear me. "goodnight" I say tired asf. "I love you too y/n, goodnight" he said lovingly. I can hear a muffled "oooooo" from lips bed. I chuckle a bit and Ian let's out a huff for a laugh. I snuggle right up to him and I have my hoodie down now that it's night time and everyone's asleep so no one can see my hickey. I drift quietly off to sleep.

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