Reviewing Memories

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We walked toward the tech room in quick succession. As we entered we could see advanced computers, a lot more room for other inventions, but a lot of room in general. The only thing that I didn't recognize is the two weird-looking machines.

     "Um..what are those things?" Moose asked. I stared at it and I could already tell what's going to happen. They looked like stasis chambers from movies, but at the same time something else about it put me off.

     "This thing is to check our memories I'm guessing," I said blankly. Moose and I looked at the machines. I was still getting an eerie feeling as I looked toward them.

     "Yes, that is exactly what it is." Crying Child's Dad said.

     "But the only problem is that you will have to relive your memories as we look at them." Crying Child said. My shoulders sagged at that statement. I can just not have one moment here without having my now required memories haunting me.

     "Why?" I faltered. I really didn't want to get anywhere close to this machine now.

     "Is this safe?" Moose asked.

     "Like, will we experience any pain when we go in?"

     "You shouldn't, but we can try it on your friends here." Crying Child's Dad suggested. As soon as he said friends, I quickly got in front of them in a protective stance.

     "Let's not do that." I said through gritted teeth. This caused C.C.D to flinch a little at the threatened tone, but he quickly started to do something else. I let out a sigh and headed to the machines.

     "Let's get this over with I guess," I said bluntly. Moose nodded his head in agreement and walked with me toward the machines. Crying Child and his dad followed by hooking us in. As soon as we entered, we were knocked out just as fast.

Beth (P.O.V)

I was looking at the two giant screens above the machines that came from the ceiling. I was, of course, looking at Jay's to wonder why he was so hesitant.

     "We are going to start with the younger memories." C.C.D told us. As soon as he said this the screen lit up, slowly coming into view was Jay when he was 3. The area kinda looked like one of the Australian stores we have back at home. They seemed to be grocery shopping while walking with his parents. As he was walking between them it looked like he was holding a cow plush in one hand and a sheet of paper in another. He kept glancing and checking it every once and while and was looking around the shelves. I'm guessing it was a grocery list that his parents gave him to keep up with. He would sometimes walk off and grab an item off the shelves before running back to his parents.

A couple of minutes later it seemed to be lagging behind while his parents were walking off and talking. He grabbed an item from the shelf and started running to catch up once again. However before he could he was soon gripped from behind with a hand over his mouth to muffle any scream that could come out, dropping the items. He then bit the capture and tried running off to his parents shouting out to them. His parents were in the cold aisle when they heard him and turned toward him. But before he could reach his parents the kidnapper knocked him out causing him to pass out. I was in shock at the scene that had just unfold right in front of me. The parents on the screen were the ones Katie, Timmy and I knew so he had reunited with them, but the fact he was kidnapped. He was kidnapped and never told anyone of us, not even me. Although, I guess you have to remember to tell this stuff.

     "I can't believe he was kidnapped!" I whisper-shouted. I wonder if they ever figured out who the kidnapper was...and to be so bold to do it in a grocery store. I looked at the screen with a disgruntled look.

The screen faded to black and soon turned back on again, but this time at an building doorstep. We saw a sunset in the background so it was late evening. When he came to, he saw his new surroundings. He looked around with confusion and panic, tears started to fall down his face. Just as he was about to move he heard the door creaking behind him and he just started bawling on the doorstep.

     "He was so scared, poor baby Jay." Katie mumbled under her breath. The orphanage door opened revealing the owner. She looked around before looking down to see a sobbing Jay. She immediately picked him up and brought him inside.

     "Hey you're okay, you will be just fine here. You can meet so many of the other children in the orphanage." she said gently.

     "So he was just kidnapped and then left at an orphanage? What sense does that make?!" Timmy shouted at the screen. I was also frustrated at this, why would you do that to a child especially for no reason. At least the orphanage owner was sweet, if they were evil I would have been enraged. I zoned back into the screen still furious at the kidnapper. I looked back to see he was done crying. You could see the puffy redness of his eyes. His cheeks looked puffer as well as the tears stained his face, almost invisible marks. He looked at the lady with round brown scared and curious eyes.

     "Where am I?" He questioned quietly. His voice sounded dry from all the sobbing he had just done.

     "Oh, sweety you're in an orphanage in America," The orphanage owner answered. Her face was one of bewildered worry. I'm guessing she could tell he wasn't from here by the accent.

     "Now how did you get here, may I ask?" She questioned softly. Jay started to tear up but tried to hold back his sobs to explain.

     "I-I w-was t-taken f-from m-mommy and daddy. A-and w-when I-I w-woke up I w-was here" he choked. She looked shocked at the statement. After a couple of minutes of consoling she soon put him down. She walked over to a phone and started dialing a number and started talking. After making the call she walked back over to Jay.

     "I just called some people who may be able to help you okay." she uttered. She tried to reach a hand out but Jay flinched away. This caused her to recoil her hand and just grin motherly at him. Thirty minutes later the police were at the door. She opened the door and explained what Jay had told her. One of the policemen gazed at Jay with a sorrowful look and soon walked over to him. He bent down so he could be at his height to talk to him.

     "So young man were you telling the nice lady over there that you were kidnapped." He asked.

     "Ywes swir. I was s-shopping with m-mommy and d-daddy and t-then I was here," Jay told him again.

     "May I ask where you are from and do you remember who took you." The officer interrogated, although his voice was still soft and caring. Jay started to shake from his suppressed cries, his eyes starting to tear up.

     "I'm from A-Austra-l-lia." He struggled to pronounce the name causing a couple of sad giggles from the adults on screen and us.

     "The person..was behind me..when they took me" He muttered out quietly, his voice breaking a bit. The cop clicked his tongue at the new information. He looked up at the woman and the woman looked back with sympathy strong in her eyes. They both then looked at Jay and the cop reached out a hand and placed it on his shoulder. This did cause Jay to flinch as he moved away from the man's hand. The policeman had an understanding look before going back to what he had to say.

     "Well boy, it looks like you're going to have to stay here until we can report this properly." The cop said. Jay's face turned from the one of hope to the one of distraught horror. Tears were now building in the corners of his eyes as his brown orbs turned glossy. My heart started to break when I saw my young lover crying over something like this. He then broke out into loud sobs, falling onto his knees as was shouting for his mother and father. The orphanage lady ran to his aid and picked him up in her arms embracing him. The policeman came closer looking at Jay with worry as well. They tried shushing him and bouncing him in each other's arms, but his cries only got louder. Then the screen went dark as his screams of distress faded out.

     "I looked around the room with tears pricking the corner of my eyes." I let out a little sniffle before the tears finally fell.

     "He didn't deserve that. It shouldn't have happened to him at all!" I raged. Katie and Timmy ran over to me as I put my hands on my face to avoid looking at anyone. I was too distraught from what I just saw.

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