Memories Returned

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I woke up drowsy and sore from head to toe. I had honestly forgotten what had happened for a moment, but then it came to me in a less painful blur. My body felt numb, I looked around the room to see if anyone was there. As I turned my neck, pain erupted through my body. I groaned in pain and against my best judgment kept turning my neck to glance around. Now that I had feeling back in my body, sadly I could feel how raw my throat was. I instantly saw Moose near me still in an unconscious state. His bed is about 2 feet from mine on the right. His breathing was regular, but his face was strained with a pained look. I heard shuffling from outside the room and muffled crying as well.

     "That was probably Beth." I thought sadly. I keep hurting her. No matter how many times I say I won't, I keep doing it. I don't want to be a liar, but it seems my life is only just going to be a constant misfortune. It always happens when people get close to me, I noticed. When I let anyone enter my life they get hurt.

      "I wouldn't be surprised if she leaves me." I brooded. The dark thoughts are now taking over, each time I have hurt or let someone hurt her run through my head. Tears now sting my eyes at the thoughts. I was able to blink most of them away, but sadly a few escaped in one silent sob. The sob racked my body causing more pain, making me want to yelp out. I bit my tongue to make sure no sound would escape. The pain becomes more as my muscles contract. Soon after Moose stirred next to me, groaning in pain. He was slowly moving around, flinching at almost all movement. I'm hoping he didn't have to go through as much as me. Now that I remember he's my adopted brother I couldn't bare it. He then turned toward me through tired glazed eyes.

"Jay, are you okay?" Moose spoke tiredly. His voice was raspy from the lack of water and probably screaming. I slowly looked at him and then turned my head back.

"Yeah, just the memories." I said distantly. More tears escaped as I said this. My throat felt like the Sahara desert as I talked.

"If you say so." Moose said uncertainty. I could tell he was trying to debate if he would push for answers, but decided to drop the conversation. In complete honesty, I wasn't completely lying though, it was more of a half truth then a lie. The memories of everything still plagued me, especially the ones of Beth. Thinking about Beth made me go back down the road of the now miserable memory lane. My thoughts flashed through my mind, it was almost like I was completely back there. I could see Beth getting pushed off the tower all over again. The memory was happening repeatedly causing unknown tears to flow freely as my body started to tremble. I was hyperventilating I think, but I was so absorbed into the memory I didn't fully understand what was happening. The memory of Beth dying fled my mind and now took me to another. I was seeing all of my friends now being hurt or killed right in front of me. I couldn't move to help them because these things had already passed. I shortly after heard dull yelling, but I couldn't be bothered to distinguish where it was coming from.

"I was completely useless, I couldn't help anyone!" I shouted falling on to my knees. Sobs shook my body as I kept watching every death or tortured friend I had. I stayed sitting there holding my knees close to my chest. Tears drenching my clothes as I ugly cried.

"Why wasn't I helpful? They needed me and I didn't do anything." I sobbed. I then felt a pain in my arm. I flinched at this trying to figure out what caused it. I first thought it was my arm hair catching on my clothing until it kept happening over and over again. I grabbed my arm as I kept winces from the unknown pain. The muffled voices from before now became louder, the now known voices of my friends becoming clearer.

"Stop pinching him! He's already hurt enough!" I heard Beth scream.

"I'm only doing this enough to bring back to reality, once he's close enough I will stop." I heard Crying Child's Dad say flatly with a tinge of worry. As he says this their voices become even more powerful than it was before. After hearing that, I quickly tried to get free from these torturous memories.

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