The Decision and Kidnapped

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Beth, Katie, and Timmy probably heard me fall on the floor. Before I could get up I saw the door swing open with a worried Beth behind it.

       "What was that thud!" she shouted with a concerned tone. Beth then saw me on the floor question my life and sanity.

        "Jay...?" I hear her question.

         "I don't want to go!" I whined, my eyes still covered. I guess Beth looked at Moose for answers because he then explained what we needed to do.

        "You both are going to tell Timmy and Katie, so we can discuss this." Beth told us flatly. In all honesty I flinched at her somewhat cold tone. I looked at Moose's face and saw he probably did the same thing. We all walked down stairs and told our friends about the whole ordeal.

       "You are telling us that you guys had some weird dream about getting told to go to some park and you are actually willing to go?" Katie questioned in somewhat of disbelief. When you hear it out loud like that it does kind of sound stupid doesn't it.

       "I know it sounds crazy, but it's not just me. Moose also had the same sort of dream. That can't be just coincidence, especially if asked for the same thing." I tried to reason. They looked almost convinced, but I could tell there was still some resistance.

        "I still don't know how I feel about this Jay. You guys may have been called by these weird figures, but it just doesn't seem right. Like, why would they ask you 2 of all people?" Beth explained. Her questions were valid, why would they ask us of all people. There could be plenty of other people that could help, but then I realized one part of the dream that strangely seems familiar in a way.

        "In the dream the figure said that the park and the world needs us again. So, I assume that we already saved the park before, but we just don't remember for some reason." I mumbled, trying to remember the dream clearly. Everyone looked at me after I said that. Moose at that moment started to think about it as well.

        "I mean the name of the park does sound familiar.." he quietly said. I shortly after nodded in agreement. The name does sound really familiar, but is it really just a coincidence?

        "If some figures you have never seen before came into your heads, how do you know they just didn't plant some distant memories in your head!" Timmy claimed. We then looked at him with an raised eyebrow type of look.

         "What, it could be possible. I mean time travel exists!" he said, trying to prove his point. Moose's look was of disbelief until he saw our faces. Looking around the room at us with a questioning look, but I could only flinch at the remark said. I shook my head trying to get rid of past memories. I don't want to remember that time.

        "What do you mean time travel? Time travel exists!" Moose asked excitedly. I looked down toward the ground, the memories I tried to shut out now flooding back in. I shivered and shut my eyes tightly as the memories replayed in my head. I soon felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me with anxious looks. I would love to try to turn away from their looks, but it wouldn't do any good. I would just worry them even more if I did. We stood in silence for a moment, the atmosphere thick with tension and sadness.

         "Sorry Jay, I shouldn't have said anything about it." Timmy said sadly. I looked at him with a small smile.

        "It's alright Timmy you didn't know it would still affect me." I tried to reassure my friend, but the look on his face made it apparent that it didn't work. Moose still had this inquisitive look on his face, but he didn't press any further.

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