I make sure to text the boys to keep Cerberus away for now, though. He may love dogs, but I don't think Arella needs to meet him today. She's already having to meet the rest of the boys. That's enough for one day.

The rest of the way home is quiet until we pull into the underground parking garage of our building. Freya steps out first, rounding the car on her designer heels to get Arella out.

She hikes the small tot onto her hip. A practiced move from when the boys were young. Arella looks at all our cars with wide eyes. Everything that she's looking at is ours. Sports cars, several motorcycles, large SUV's, and several trucks.

Freya's blush pink sports car catches Arella's attention. She blinks her eyes, then points to it.

"That's my car. You're still a tad bit too small to ride in that one. You can go for a drive with me when you're older."

While Freya talks about cars, I grab Arella's bag out of the trunk. She amassed a collection of stuff while in the hospital. Mostly clothes since she had nothing but that dirty nightgown.

Together, we head to the elevator where I punch in the code to the penthouse. One of my guards is waiting for me as soon as the doors open.

"The boys are all waiting." He warns me, knowing how they get.

"Thank you, Carlos. You're dismissed." He nods, a sign of respect and acknowledgment, stepping into the elevator we just vacated.

Using another code to open the door, I step into the foyer. The first thing I see is the small circular table we have in the middle of the foyer. A crystal bowl sits on top for keys.

Two stair cases line either side, leading to the balcony on the second floor. Beyond the foyer, an open floor plan shows the living room, kitchen, and dining room. Everything is modern and beautiful with touches of soft colors to bring everything together.


The boys stand behind the couch, chatting with each other. They haven't noticed us yet. Even Alessandro is out of his room for once. His arms are crossed over his chest and he looks like he would rather be elsewhere. He better be nice to Arella.

"The boys are here to say hi to you." I lean over and whisper to Arella.

She lifts her head off of Freya's shoulder, looking at the boys. Only Andrea and Gianni ended up visiting in the hospital. Davide and Alessandro wanted to wait until she came home.

The boys stop talking when they hear my voice. I hold my hand up in a signal to wait. I understand that they're excited, but I don't want them to overwhelm her.

"One at a time." I warn them.

Davide steps up first, slowly walking towards Arella. She clings harder to Freya, her whole body shaking in fear.

"It's okay, little lamb. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Davide." He reaches forward and rubs her back.

One by one, the boys come to greet the small girl. The only one who stays back is Alessandro. Ever stubborn until the end. He eventually comes half way into the room, nods to Arella, then heads back into his bedroom.

I just want to cuff him on the back of the neck and force him to be nice to her. That won't work, though. He would rather spend his time by himself. Too smart for his own good.

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