Love & Loss

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"Howdy" We hear as we sit in the dining room awaiting the arrival of our guests. Dad and I stand up with excitement. I haven't seen Tate since he was two... I can't help but think that I should have returned home during school, but just the thought of returning home made me want to quit the program all together. I knew it would be too difficult to leave home again, so I found jobs that were close to my apartment for the summers. I couldn't risk giving up on something I've been wanting my whole life.

My heart swells when I see Tate enter behind Monica and Kayce. He looks at me like I am of no significance to him.  I'm a stranger.
"Andrea,  I'm so glad you're home" Monica says to me while she greets me with a hug. We were close before I left, even though her and my brother didn't come around the ranch, we would always find a way to stay close. To stay family.
Kayce hugs me next and whispers in my ear "It's been too long Pipsqueak"

I crouch down and put out my hand to shake Tate's.

"Hello Tate, I'm your aunt Andrea. It's been a very long time since I've seen you" I said

He shakes my hand and responds with "Hello aunt Andrea"

We all sit down and enjoy the 3 course meal Gator made for us. It starts out a bit quiet and awkward, but eventually we siblings start to nag at each other which leads to debates and laughter. I've missed this.

"So,  anyone important in your life?" Monica whispers from the chair next to me

I smile and reply "Now Monica, you know I'm much to busy for that nonsense"

She smiles "Oh come on, you mean to tell me you went off to college for four years and never had any fun?"

"You're supposed to have fun in college?" I say jokingly

"And what could you ladies be talking about?" Lee says mischievously

Before I could answer, Monica replies "Now it's not polite to be asking a woman about her private conversations"

Kayce and I laugh before we hear a phone ring. Lee quickly grabs his phone from his pocket.

"No. Yeah. 20." His face turned into stone and he looked to the other end of the table where our father is sat. His face followed suit.

"Found 'em" Lee says

"What's wrong?" I say worryingly

"Nothin Pip, gotta go." Lee said as he stood up and walked out

"Kayce, we'll need a hand" my father said as he walked out after Lee

I stood up quickly and followed them outside.  They went into the bunk house and 3 of the cowboys exited with them. Rip, Lloyd, and Ryan.

I jog up to Lloyd to ask what's going on.

"Pip, you should get back to the house" he said

"Not a chance, whatever is going on I can handle it" I reply

"Come on Andrea, it's not safe" Ryan says with concern

We look at each other for a moment before my father notices me following.

"Andrea, in the house. This is not up for discussion" he says

I stare at him sternly as he gets in the truck and takes off with Kayce and Lee. The other men load the second trailer with horses, I grab Daisy and put her in the trailer along with the others. Ryan comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, he looks deep into my eyes and says "please, stay here"
"No" I simply but sternly reply.

I know in my gut that there is something wrong, no one is stopping me from going with them. No one.

"Let's go Ryan, we'll just have to keep her out of the way" says Lloyd

With that, we all hop in the truck and drive fast and far away from the ranch. My mind races with assumptions to what is happening, why my father needed not only one but two of my brothers and the men from the bunk house. I see Ryan throw on a vest that says "Livestock Agent".

The truck ride felt like hours had past. Then finally, in the headlights I see many other trucks with trailers and lights. Our truck comes to a stop and we quickly hop out and unload the horses. I'm just about to hop on Daisy when I feel a hand on the curve of my back my back. A tingle shoots up my spine.

"Put this on" Ryan says

I turn to see a vest like his and without hesitation,  I throw it on. The three of us ride up the ridge to where the helicopter circles. There are fence posts without wire that lays between two groups of riders. Natives lay on one side whilst my father, Lee, Kayce, and a bunch of other men are grouped on the other. I try to focus on the muffled conversations, but can't make out any words. The helicopter above us is too loud.


A lump in my throat forms when I hear a gun shot. It was as clear as day, even with the helicopter above me. Other shots follow and before I can register what is happening. I get grabbed off my horse and pulled to the ground. I fight back, squirming and kicking to get out of the man's grasp.  He struggles to hold me down and we eventually end up face to face on the ground, him on top of me. Then I realize who he is. Ryan. The fear in his eyes was unlike anything I've seen. He held me down, begging me to stay. Not to move.

"You should have stayed back damnit" he said

My eyes widened as I looked for Daisy. Where is she? If she's hurt... Oh god. All I could do in the moment was pray.  Pray everyone was okay. Why is this happening?

After another gunshot, I saw a man with a vest like mine fall off his horse. I used all of my strength to shove Ryan off of me and run to the man. He needs help.

"Andrea!" I heard Ryan yell, followed by footsteps behind me.

Before I knew it, I was standing above the man. He was face down, not moving. I got on my knees and gently rolled him over. Recognizing his face, I froze. It was Lee, there was no mistaking it.

Snapping out of it, I looked for wounds. He was bleeding out below the bottom of his vest.

"No no no Lee" I said whilst taking off my flannel, leaving myself in just a tank top. I balled it up and used it to put pressure on he wound, as I was taught in school.

He opened his eyes,  his face surprised and angry. A trickle of blood ran from his mouth as he spoke. "The hell"

"No no don't speak. You're going to be fine. You hear me? It's fine." I said, trying to convince one of us.

"Andrea?!" Yelled my father

I snapped my neck and looked at him, while keeping pressure on Lee's wound. He looked down and saw Lee laying there, bleeding out.


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