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*Annoying alarm*

I open my eyes immediately, excitement fills my chest. It's my first real morning home. I can get back to mucking stalls, feeding, and working horses. Sure I have jobs to apply for but hey, that can be done later. 

I jump out of bed and brush my teeth whilst getting dressed for the day. Wranglers, hoodie with a plaid shirt over top, and my ball cap. I tuck my half-frizzy half-curly hair into a bun, grab my boots, and head to the door trying carefully to not wake anybody up. After I carefully slide out the back door, I throw on my boots and make my way to the barn. 

The horses nicker when I open the door, excited for their breakfast. 

"Good morning" I say with a smile

One by one, they're fed and put into the paddocks. Once I am about half way through mucking the stalls I hear a familiar voice call out.

"Been a while since I've been beat to the barn" John says

A smile rises on my face as I say, "About four years I'd say. Good morning daddy, how'd you sleep?"

"Best night of sleep in a while hunny" he says as he wraps his arms around me in a hug. 

"Well, i'm glad. I really missed this place" I say

"This place missed you too, I got some business to attend to. I'll see you later on."  As he walks out, John says "you know we have ranch hands for that"

I smile and continue on my way. I enjoy every minute of this time. When I was younger, I would get annoyed with my chores. I went off to school, not just to become a nurse and help others; but to make way for myself that wasn't a ranch. Of course I always wanted to have a farm, but not as a business. It wasn't until I went away to school when I realized how much I loved being a rancher. It's who I am. Yet I am torn between being both, a nurse and a rancher. One can't be both. Right? 

Once i'm finished my stalls I sweep the floor and walk outside to see if Rip is out, I am still half in my head thinking about my future and job applications when I smash into a large chest.

"Oh my, i'm so sorry" I say as I put my palm to my forehead. 

I hear a man laugh and respond "No worries, I know a distracted person when I see one"

I know that voice, I don't even have to look up to know who I just ran into. Yet, I look up anyways to see the cowboy I met yesterday. Ryan. He looks at me with his blue eyes and I can't help but feel like he's something special. Yet just as quickly as the moment started, it passed when Ryan changed his gaze onto the barn. 

"You've been busy, keep this up and I won't have a job" he says in surprise as he enters the barn

I turn away and say "yeah, guess you'd better keep up" and continue my walk out. 

"Hey Pip" I hear Lloyd say as I pass the bunk house. 

"Morning" I reply with a smile on my face. 

"Bright and early this morning, like the good old days" he says

I smile as we walk up to the round pen to see what Rip has planned for today. Rip always had the same face. Most people would think he's just an angry middle aged man who doesn't know how to smile. Most people. Those people don't know Rip like us Dutton's do...mostly Beth. He's really a big teddy bear with a temper. That carries a .30-06...

"Getting shit done today so no fucking around" he says in his growly voice

Lloyd and I make eye contact and smile, while the cowboys remain quiet and grab their horses to saddle up.

I grabbed Daisy from the cross ties and hopped on to wait for the boys.

"What's a pretty young lady doing on a horse like that?" said one of the cowboys as they walk their horse next to me.

Without skipping a beat, I return "Do you think a woman can't ride? Or just not as well as a man can?" as I glare into his eyes

The man smiles and says "well hunny, men know how to work the mares, you see" with a wink

"Most men think that, as a way to try and compensate for what little they carry around" I respond as I ask Daisy to walk.

"Ooooooh she got you man, she got you" Colby said laughing

I make eye contact with Ryan, a grin across his face as the other cowboys laugh and taunt the young cowboy. 

"That's our Pip" I hear Lloyd say to Rip

"Yeah, no fuckin around" Rip responds 

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