Episode 8: Hawaiian Honeyruin

Start from the beginning

"It's an all-in. In this Hawaiian wedding ritual teams must walk on fire," Everyone gasped. "Don't worry technically they're just coals," I explained as everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, in this challenge brides wear a grass skirt and grooms wear a wreath of mahilé leaves. They must then carry the brides across that path of hot coals. Come on!" She said running in the direction of the wreaths and skirts. As we were getting dressed (me being the groom and Marnie the bride) the Ice Dancers went first walking across confidently. This was until Jacques stopped and remembered what it was he was walking on. As soon as he stopped walking his skirt caught fire. He threw Josee to the ground he ran back to the water and threw himself in, sighing in relief. The four of us looked at him with worried looks on our faces. I kicked off her shoes and soon it was our turn. I walked out first carrying Marnie in my arms with Brody right behind us. We decided to make a strategy where we would tell the people walking on the coals cold stories.

"Remember that time we were paddleboarding off two feet out and we forgot our wetsuits. Ohh, so cold," Geoff said.

"Yeah keep it coming!" Brody said, in slight pain. Now Marnie told a cold story to help me.

"Kristen, do you still remember when we went scuba diving in the arctic circle and we met a polar bear?" she asked.

"Yes I remember! Keep em' coming!" I said.

"What about the day your tongue froze to the flag pole or that time when I dumped a cherry slush down your shorts. Oh-ho! That was gnar-gnar dude," While the heat beneath my feet felt crazy the image of Geoff dumping a slushie in Brody's shorts was hilarious to me. 

"Kris remember when I built a snowman body around you and left you out in the cold for twenty minutes?" Marnie asked.

"Oh how could I forget?" I remarked sarcastically. After a few more minutes of walking we reached the end of the coal path.

"We did it!" Brody cheered, putting Geoff down.

"Way to go guys!" Marnie said, hi-fiving me.

"Let's motor to the chill zone!" Geoff exclaimed.

"Oh man, I would love to stick my feet in a tub full of cherry slush right now," Brody tried to cool his feet down in the sand.

"With you on that," I said, doing the same.

Marnie POV:

Geoff and I both waited for Brody and Kristen to cool off then we raced to the chill zone.

"Woo-hoo!" Geoff cheered as he and Kristen jumped onto the chill zone.

"Yeah!" Brody cheered as he and I also raced onto the carpet.

"Geoff, Brody, Marnie, Kristen, you guys are tied as today's winners," Don told us.

"Awesome!" Geoff cheered.

"Group hug!" I said as we all hugged.

"I love you guys!" Geoff said.

"I'd marry all of you all over again," Brody said, as a massive blush spread it's way across my face.

"I love weddings," Don said to the camera. Because we'd come in first we'd get extra privileges on the plane toward our next destination. We went to the hotel and agreed to meet Geoff and Brody at the pool house at the hotel. But at the moment we were getting changed into our swimsuits. 

"I should tell you today on the jetty, Sanders basically told me she likes you," I smiled at Kristen.

"Really? Well let me tell you something Brody is totally in to you," Kristen smiled as she undid her ponytail.

"Come on, let's go the guys are probably waiting for us," Kristen smiled as she grabbed a tote bag with our towels, a hair scrunchie for Kristen, and our room key. We walked out of the hotel building and saw Brody and Geoff on two pool chairs. I could see Brody was checking Marnie out in her bikini.

3rd Person POV:

"Hey girls! What took you so long?" Brody asked.

"Stuff," Marnie tried playing it cool. Kristen struggled to keep in her laugh. Geoff then smirked.

"Hey you know I think there might be a problem with the pool water," he smiled.

"Really what could be wrong?" Brody asked as he leaned over the water. But all he was met with was a push by Geoff as he landed in the water, quickly though he resurfaced to see the others laughing. 

"Here let me help you out," Marnie said holding her hand out, Brody took her hand but then instead of being pulled out he pulled her in. Geoff and Kristen smiled as they also jumped into the water. As Marnie and Brody splashed each other playfully, Kristen and Geoff went underwater and put their race partners on their shoulders as Marnie and Brody played chicken trying to knock each other off. Marnie then caught Brody off-guard and pushed him in his chest as he fell backwards with Geoff. Marnie laughed until she felt a tug on her wrist as Kristen pulled her in. A little bit later all four teens were sitting at the bar laughing and sipping on drinks.

"So why did you guys enter the race?" Geoff asked.

"Well obviously we want to come here to do extreme and dangerous activities which is a load of fun," Marnie explained.

"Yeah, same here, we wanted to come here to have some serious fun," Brody smiled.

"Well, of course there's that, but I also really wanna go to med school, and unfortunately our family can't afford the tuition," Kristen said. 

"Oh wow, that's really cool. I wish I had the same skill as you," Geoff smiled. 

"Thanks man, you really are just as chill as you are on Total Drama," Kristen smiled. A little bit later it was time to go back to their rooms. As Marnie was gonna get off her chair I pushed it slightly. Marnie fell off her chair but she was caught by Brody. She blushed bright pink and her eyes went wide. 

"You okay?" he asked her.

"Yup, I'm incredible, I mean um, thank you for I-uh-I" Marnie stuttered.

"What she means to say is thank you," Kristen explained.

"Well, you're welcome," Brody smiled. 

"Guys we'll see you on the carpet tomorrow," Kristen smiled.

"Yeah see you then," Marnie smiled, still blushing. As the girls were by themselves Marnie spoke up.

"Next time we're with Sanders I'm pushing you into her again," Marnie said as Kristen put her arm around her sister.

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