24. Advanced Potion Making

Start from the beginning

"That sounds like moving in to me."

"Fine," Severus surrendered with a small smile. "Yes, I suppose I am asking you to move in with me."

Persephone grinned, her chin resting on her hands. "I would love to."

Their dinner arrived shortly after (they both ordered steak; medium for Persephone and well done for Severus) and they ate in a comfortable silence. Persephone finished hers slightly sooner, and as Severus finished off the last bite of his steak, she gently ran her foot up the side of his leg teasingly.

"None of that," Severus warned, pushing her foot away.

"What? Bored of me already?" Persephone teased.

"Definitely not. But I have one last item on the agenda for you." He waved his wand and a silvery-blue fox came bounding out before disappearing off into the distance.

Persephone smiled as she watched the fox disappear. "I still think it's so sweet that yours changed to match mine," she said.

Snape smiled. "Perhaps it hasn't," he said. "Perhaps it simply reflects my soul... and my soul happens to match yours."

There was a crack behind them, and Persephone turned to see Abbie had appeared - accompanied by a Weasley, who had clearly apparated her there, along with a piano.

"What is this?" Persephone asked with a laugh.

"My final surprise for you," Severus replied. He stood and offered her his hand. "Agent Payne, may I have this dance?"

"Gladly, Professor Snape," she replied. She took his hand and he led her out into the open space next to the shore.

There was a final pop as the Weasley disappeared, and as Severus pulled Persephone close to him, Abbie began softly playing a slow, romantic tune.

"While I was planning this evening," Severus said as they moved slowly in one another's arms, "the memory came back to me. You and I, here on this rock... the first time we really spoke... the first time we did many things." He was speaking in a low voice, quiet enough that Abbie couldn't hear. "I was completely enamoured with you, you know. You had always seemed fascinating to me, and I had wanted to know you... but it wasn't until the night on this rock that I truly realised the extent of my interest in you. You were so fierce, and yet I felt safe with you. You were so mysterious and yet I felt I knew you... like I'd always known you. There was one particular moment I recall... we were walking back to the castle, and I looked over at you. You looked at me, and I caught your eye. There was a... moment. A realisation that... I had found what I'd been looking for."

He reached up to gently push a strand of hair from her face, and his hand rested gently on her cheek.

"You wouldn't have liked me then, Sev," Persephone said softly. "I was cruel and selfish -"

"As was I. And I believe you're right; we weren't ready. I believe - correct me if I'm wrong - but she is the one who prepared us for one another." Severus looked over at Abbie, who was still playing a soft tune. He caught her eye, and she smiled. Severus turned back to Persephone. "People would say we made her - but I believe she made us."

Although Abbie was still playing, Severus came to a halt, his dark eyes glistening in the moonlight as he looked into Persephone's blue eyes. "It may have taken nineteen years," he said, "but I believe we are ready now. The world may make us wait a little longer... but I am ready to make my promise to you."

Severus had thought of nothing but this evening for days. He had planned it meticulously, and had hardly slept for his anxious thoughts. But now, standing here with her, in the quiet peacefulness of their spot, with the product of their love creating beautiful music, any fear Severus might have felt fell away.

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