"How someone would can interfered with this operation, when I myself have the edict" 

"we could observe a great amount of energy that you follow, my lord, and this energy left a breach that the person has used to interfere with the operation."

'So it seems that I was observed by several individuals, tending that the first one have use me, to realize a new breach, but the second clearly wanted to sabotage my operation and had to take advantage of the action take by the first, It doesn't seem to work together, Otherwise they could have stolen the two souls from me'.

"What about the soul that we have recovered" 

"It's stabilized with the body my lord" said the head scientist 'At least I have recovered one of the anchors' 

"Do we know who it is?" " It seems to be the boy named Nico, we could also define that the second soul remained in this world so a priori also found a body"

"Very well, cleaned me up all that and move on to the next phase" I then turned back towards the throne room and call Cadell

"My lord, I am at your disposal, what are your orders?", Cadell was kneeling in front of me waiting for me to answer him

"Take Melzri and Viessa with you. You go to Dicathien to look for my wife and child I want you to bring them alive" 

"This will be done" 

"And don't make yourself see, there is not yet time for them to know our existence."

Once Cadell left, I think again about what happened a few hours ago, the person who sabotaged this operation might be Sylvia she was the only person who knew my plans and had opposed it-If she hadn't taken my child, I wouldn't have had to hurt her. But the other person I have no idea who he is, but if he comes to oppose my plans I will destroy him.

Sylvia POV : 

I succeeded without this external intervention I don't know if I could have succeeded in interfering with Agrona, in any case what is sure is that the counterstroke would have been much more violent, I wonder who this other mysterious person is but right now I owe him a lot, I will be able to live a little longer it seems. The countermeasures are now in place, don't disappoint me, King Grey.

??? POV:

'Where am I, it is the afterlife? ,' who am I? ..., ha yes I remember my name is Kazuto and I was a prince, I died the day I was crowned, by an enemy I was sure to have eliminated myself, my last memories are blurred like a mirage, is that why I don't feel so much pain despite my death. I try to look around me but all I can see is a bottomless black space.

"So it's you" I suddenly turn to the voice and I see a little boy with white hair and red eyes, he does not seem to be more than 3 years old and yet I know instinctively that I should not trust his appearance 

"Who are you and where am I and what do you mean found me?" 

" My name is Merlin Dragnir, here and my conscience or my prison I don't know. And for your last question I am the one who brought your soul into this world" 

'Another world, it looks like the mangas were right...' watching this boy I can see that he wears a mask to hide his sadness, I wonder why he brought me here? 

" Merlin why brought you me here" 

"Because my soul is dying and I was looking for a successor and the world as chosen you as my successor" 

"The world huh? What are you going to do if you die, you're going to give me some kind of superpower and send me fight a big bad guy" 

"It would be easier for me to show you ,give me your hand," he says, holding out his hand

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