Prologue II

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Merlin Dragnir POV: 

I'm not sure how long I've been here, 100 years, 1,000 years, I can't tell. Anyway the first thing I remember is to wake up in this black space, I couldn't feel my body it was like I was floating in an infinite space.

I remember crying for a very long time without any tears coming; I remember being alone again and again, all I could hear was a distant voice talking to me from time to time. I don't know when I stopped crying, but I know that sadness became despair and despair turned into hatred, against Eupheotus, against the Indrath clan, against my parents' murderer Kesess Indrath.

So from my hatred came my ambition to avenge my people and my parents, the first step would have been to get out of this space but I'm still stuck there, yet my efforts were not in vain , because I could observe the outside world, from Dicathien to Alacrya I could see the actual state of the world.

I was able to observe Agrona Vritra and his many experiences on what he calls an edict, I think I have already heard about it from my parents but I don't remember, I wonder why the world took me to look at this particular man but now I understand.

I'm diying, if I have to try to formulate it I will say that my soul weakens at every passing moment, in less than 10 years I will have surely disappeared. But if I were to disappear like that, then my parents' sacrifice would have been in vain. That's why I need a successor with a strong soul to which I'm going to fuse my own, then I will be able to transmit to him all my ambitions and my memories.

That's why, they showed me Agrona from what I understood he's going to try to transport souls from another world here, why I don't know but this is my only chance. 

He's just getting started. It's time, i don't waste my chance 

"World hear my call, obey my will, bring me the one who will save me, the one who will succeed me, you have shown me Agrona for this reason then answer my request" 

Agrona Vritra POV:

The time has finally come, after all these years of preparation and research, I will be able to bring a weapon capable of killing Kesses Indrath in this world. Then I turn to the different researchers and scientist in the room "Everything finish?"

"Yes my lord, the bodies used as ship for the two anchors are ready and stable we can launch the operation at any time"

"well let's start then" I stand in front of the bodies of two babies of blood vritra and I begin to use the edict of destiny that I was able to recover from the only Djinn ruin that wasn't sealed. A purple light spread throughout the room and began to infiltrate into both bodies, I then close my eyes and search in this void the boundary between the two worlds, after finding it I use the edict to force a passage in it for bring back the two souls.

As I bring the souls with me, I feel another presence in this space, and I see the boundary between the worlds breaking again and a soul escaping, As I try to reach it a force repels me and takes the soul with it. As I wonder what just happened, I realize that one of the souls I had taken had already gone take by someone else.

As I open my eyes and see the real world again, I can see the scientist running around in a pannic way. "What is happening here? Have souls been inserted into their ships?" I shouted, all the scientist then stop and the head of the laboratory advance 

"Your hightness, when you brought the souls back with you, it seems that someone else have interfered with us and as a result one of the two souls has deviated from its trajectory and seems to have found another body in Dicathien" 

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