Prologue I

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Thousands years ago on a certain continent later known as Dicathien; the great war between the race of djinns and the Asuras took place, attacked by the latter the djinns fought somehow dragons, Basilisk and sylphs.

What began as a war that would last in time turned into an extermination after the head of the Indrath clan , Kesses Indrath himself took part in the fights, shooting down the leaders of the different Djinn clan and succeeding in expelling them from the continent of Alacrya towards Dicathiens.

The last Djinn clan, the most powerful among them, the Oblivion clan, was still resisting thanks to the help of a rebel Asuras clan, the Dragnir clan.

Kilgharrah Dragnir, brother of Kesses and head of the Dragnir clan, had decided to face his brother to protect his wife Morgane Oblivion and her people, even though he had rallied the dragons of his clan and all the djinns knowing how to fight, he was no match for the Indrath forces

It was in the last djinns underground stronghold south of Dicathiens and east of the great mountain range that the two leaders had to make a difficult decision for their future.

After gathering the djinns and members of the Dragnir clan, Morgane Queen of the djinns spoke "My people, I know that these last years of war have affected all of you, we all have lost family, friends, and your home at the hands of Kesses Indrath and I am saddened to have to tell you that we have lost this war."

You could see in the crowd many dark faces, filled with despair or simply resigned "but let not our defeat today become the end of our people and entrust our future to the next generation."She left the place to her husband who was advancing

"My wife, your queen is right, we will not allow to be erased from this world by a mad tyrant, It's hardly to say this but my brother Kesses Indrath has become mad about the power of ether and the only end that awaits you, Who awaits us is to became slave and suffer barbaric experiments to extract the power of ether, This is why we plan one last time to fight head-on against the Indrath forces and this until death. So we can permit to the best of us, the time and the chance to seal our domains to the Asuras and hide our children. So that they can one day avenge us and take back their land. Then I ask you who will follow me in our last march not for glory not for victory but for our future" exclaimed Kilgharrah

"Let's walk one last time Djinns and dragons together one last time, for Oblivion for Dragnir , for our future" said Morgane

"Yes let us show them what we are worth," said a Djinns. "For the queen" said another, "for the king "said a dragon", "Let's take down the Indrath" djinns and Dragnirs shouted

It was in this tumult that Morgane and Kilgharrah walked away into a building that was the command centre; when they entered, they saw a little pale 3-year-old boy with white hair and red eyes approaching them "Mom, Dad, what's going on are you going to face the bad guys outside? Do not leave me I'm afraid to be alone sob sob" the little boy was crying while clinging to his mother's tunic

"My darling, I'm sorry," said the mother, kneeling down and holding him, "but you must be strong for us because you are our future you understand?" she looked him in the eye, the little boys swallowed his tears and nodded his head, Kilgharrah then approached his son and knelt down looking at him,

"Merlin listens, me" he said in a stern voice.

Merlin turned around and stared at his father, "I want you to listen carefully to me and follow my instructions to the letter, you understand," the boy nodded with a serious look. "From now on, whatever happens and whatever you hear, I want you to follow your uncle and obey him to the letter." he said in a serious tone and then after his tone softened, "what you have there," he said, putting his finger on the right side of the child's chest. "is the epitome of the knowledge and power of our two peoples, one day you will be able to use it fully and then you will be able to protect what is left of our people, however until the time has come I will have to seal it to hide you."

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