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It wasn't long before Quinn woke up. He rolled over to check the time, 4:40 AM. His music had seemed to stop overnight. He sat up, rubbing at his eyes and running his hand through his hair. His eyes took a while to get used to the dark, but he quickly put on his glasses. He heard rustling from the bed next to his.

"Steve? Are you up?" He mumbled, turning his head to see Steve's bed. No response. He decided to ask again.

"Steve? Hello?" He asked more clearly, saying it louder. He got a single grunt in response. He gave up on trying to get him up. He knew his way around the camp pretty well and remembered he had brought VHS tapes.

Apparently, he was too loud when he was searching through his bag.

"Quinn?" Steve questioned, sleep lacing his voice. Quinn's head quickly snapped around at the sound.

"Yeah, it's just me. Sorry if I woke you up." He responded, turning away back to his bag. "I'm going to go watch a movie, you can come with me if you want." And with that, he left. Steve was quick to follow, not bothering to put on a shirt. He quietly followed Quinn to a room with a few chairs and a VHS player hooked up to a small tv. Quinn quickly put in a Rocky Horror VHS tape. He didn't take much time to sit down to watch it. He didn't pay much attention to anything happening until he heard...

"Are you seriously shirtless right now?" He heard Quinn laugh. He looked down, remembering that he was without a shirt.

"Oh, uh, yea, I am. Sorry, it's hot in here," Steve piped out, not bothering to look at Quinn. He continued to watch the movie until it was him noticing Quinn moving close.

In the velvet darkness

Of the blackest night

Quinn sat closer and closer, scooting closer than before.

Burning bright

There's a guiding star

Steve tried to not notice it until, Quinn rested his head on Steve's shoulder, instantly falling asleep against him. Steve and Quinn were quick to be discovered by Dustin and Suzie. Dustin had Suzie stay put with them as he went to grab his polaroid, trying to make as little sound as possible. He quickly snapped a photo of them, shook them, and ran off. Steve had stirred awake after being shaken, noticing that laugh. He wanted to let Quin continue to sleep, but couldn't.

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