Chapter 17

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Chapter 17.

Three Months Later.

"Say cheese!" My mother said.

Kyle and Rebecca smiled broadly, showing off their pearl white teeth. It's was the day of our prom. Prom means graduation, graduation means leaving school, leaving school means leaving Tyler. I didn't want to go to prom, no one was taking me to prom. Tyler was taking Amanda, Kyle was taking Rebecca and I was with me. Me, myself and I. No one else. Yes, Kyle and Rebecca are a thing.

Kyle was wearing a suit and a pair of black converse and he looks attractive as fuck. While on the other hand, Rebecca was wearing a black low-back dress that barely covers her body. Literally, she's wearing a piece of cloth. I was wearing my grey sleeping shorts and a white T-shirt.

"Well, the school doesn't their prom queen to be late, don't they?" Rebecca flipped her curled hair.

"Yea, a bitchy prom queen." I muttered a little too loud, making Rebecca, my dad and my mom stare at me with angry looks.

"Go to your room." My dad pointed towards the staircase.

Gosh, they're treating me like a fucking five year old. I groaned and roll my eyes. I've no other choice but to go up to my room and so I did, I went up to my room and slam my door shut, locking it. Rebecca always comes first. She's the fucking sun flower in the family.The bright sunflower, as if. My asshole is even brighter than her and I shit a lot.

I look out the window and saw Kyle not holding Rebecca hands anymore, in fact, they weren't even talking to each other. Kyle is walking leisurely towards his car while Rebecca held her chin up high and sashaying to the car. She sashay's like a man in tutu, wearing high heels and it looks terrible.

Angry started to build up in me. I couldn't help but show Rebecca my middle finger. It's not fair that she always knows she's going to be better than me and it's definitely not fair that Amanda gets to date my crush. Everything's not fair when you have a fucking arrogant sister like Rebecca. Gosh, I need some air.

I grabbed my jacket and jeans from my bed and wore it. I look at my phone on my table, deciding whether I should bring it along with me. I don't want anyone to disturb me so, no, I won't bring my phone. I quickly jog to the door before I change my mind. I stopped running at the top of the stairs, placed my both of my hands on the railing and leaned forward. My parents were in the living room, chatting.

Shit, how am I going to go out if my parents are down there. I squatted down with my hands at the side. I look around, searching for a place to get out. I turn my head to the left and saw a window down the hallway. Sneak out? I bit my lips nervously. I've never done anything bad before, except swearing. Should I just tell my parents I'm going out? I'm sure they won't care.

I stood up straight and look down at my half-seen living room and then to the window down the hallway. Well, going down seems like I won't get into trouble. I let my right hand off the railing and started walking, my left hand sweeping the railing. I walk down the stairs as normal as I could. Walking down the stairs already makes me nervous.

"Mom? Dad?" I called.

"Yea? They both answered at the same time.

"I'm gonna go out for a walk." I told them and stuffed my hands into my pocket.

"Where will you be?"My dad asked with his voice full of concern.

"Just a park nearby." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay, don't be back to late, honey."My mom said.

"I won't." I smiled.

I turn towards the door and walk towards it. I took my hands out of my pocket and twist the doorknob, opening the door. A gush of wind flew pass me. I shivered and goosebumps started to form all over my body. The type of goosebumps whenever touches me, even if it was a bump in a shoulder. Yes, I'm hopelessly in love with a guy who sees me as his best friend.

I walk down the steps while closing the door. The streets were empty and quiet. If only Tyler was here, it would be fucking fun. We would be out, probably eating burger while judging people who pass us. Tyler and I have been really close lately. Very, very close. We were so close that some people even think we're dating and I wish we were.


Here I was, sitting on the wall that me and Tyler sat a few months ago. This time, I wasn't eating bread or anything, I was admiring the view.

"You're here?" Tyler's voice boomed.

I snap my head behind and say Tyler, wearing a beanie, a suit and a pair of converse. He looks hot. I couldn't deny it. His hands were stuffed in his pocket and her didn't look happy as usual, he looks more sad and angry.

"Y-Yea. Why are you here?" I asked.

"Amanda did something. I don't want to talk about it."He looked down.

Poor, Tyler. I bet Amanda did something terrible. I scooted to the side a little bit and patted the spot next to me.

"Come here." I look up at the upset Tyler.

His head was down but I could see him smiling. He took his hands out from his pocket and drop it to his side.

"You're treating me like a baby." He whined.

He squatted down and place his butt on the ground and then extended his leg. He looked at me and smiled. This smiled melted my heart, like it always does.

"Because you are a baby. A big, big baby that needs love!" I said playfully but truthfully.

I extended my arms, asking for a hug. He sighed while groaning but hugged me. His hugs are always warm. I squeezed him as tight as I could. I never want to let him go. I just want him in my arms everyday. I want to feel his hug everyday and that will never happen. I felt him rubbing my back and something wet fell on my face.

"It's okay." Tyler said in a whisper.

I was crying. I was crying because I felt empty inside. I felt like I can't find the other part of my heart. I'm madly in love with my best friend. He doesn't know how much it hurts me when ever he's in a relationship with someone and it's not me. I want to be his girlfriend. Selfish, I know.

He got into a relationship with Rebecca and Rebecca didn't appreciate it. Being in a relationship with Tyler was a normal thing to her but I know that it's the most precious thing ever. If I ever got into a relationship with Tyler, my wishlist would be empty. I want to have a tag that says:

'Hi, I'm Tyler's girlfriend.'

Just for once, I want him to call me his girlfriend. Hah! That would never happen in a zillion years. Tyler is perfectly fine with our friendship. I don't want to ruin our friendship, it only makes me feel more pain. I don't want to be apart from Tyler. Tyler is only a few blocks away from me and I'm already missing him every second. Just imagine Tyler in millions of miles away from me. I'd cry my eyes out everyday.

"Are you okay?" Tyler blurted out.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My voice was empty. My whole body is empty. I nodded my head.

"I don't think you are. I don't think you ever are. You're always sad. You're not the happy Skylar I like. Who's hurting you?" He said as he hugged me tighter.

You, you baboon.

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