Chapter 9

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Chapter 9.

Ahh.. Good morning, birds. I sat up with a smile and stretched like how any other princesses would do. The birds will still chirping. Oh, what a lovely sound. I got out of bed, still smiling,and walk to the window where the birds were chirping and hit the window hardly, making a bang sound. Well, that seems to shoo them away. I sighed an annoyed sigh and took my towel and head to the bathroom or what I like to call 'My second bed in the morning'. Yes, I sometimes sleep in the shower.

After showering.

I got dressed in a sweater with a thick jacket on top of it and a pair of jeans and black leggings underneath it. I thought school'd suppose to be canceled since it was snowing but, sadly, no, it was not canceled. Asses. I wore a black beanie and took my phone from my dressing table. Okay that's all let's go. So I went down to the living room and saw Rebecca dressed in pink. Oh gosh,why pink? She was talking to someone on the phone. 

"Baby..." Oh, her boyfriend.

I rolled my eyes at her 'voice' and walk pass her and out the door. I didn't want to wait in the snow but it's better than hearing her whine to Tyler. So, why not wait in the cold snow right? Yep. I walk towards her car and lean on it, waiting for that idiot. I wonder what'll they be talking about. Probably about dates and other romantic stuff that are surely gonna happen. Note the sarcasm. Is that what relationships are like? I haven't been in a relationship before. I think it's annoying because you'd have to speak to your partner everyday. Just imagine how annoying would that be if he'd text you every single shit that happened to him or her. Okay, stop. I blinked once and realized that I'm still waiting for her. Ugh! I walk towards the door and heard her talking. I slap my hand on the door knob and twist it , opening our brown, wooden door. I stuck my head in our house.

"I'm walking, slow coach!" I shouted.

I pulled back my head and slam the door shut. I've been waiting for so long that Frodo, from The Hobbits, has probably reach his destination. That's how long I've waited. I huffed and turn my back to the door. Let's start our journey, shall we? I walk down the driveway and onto the pavement. I look back at our house. Our house is quite big and I just realized. Good job, Skylar. You've been living in that house for 17 years and you didn't know that, a round of applause please. A car passed by me. A far too familiar car. Looking at the number plate, it was Rebecca. She didn't bother fetch her sister to school, nice. I couldn't see her number plate anymore, the numbers got blur. And nature is more better than being in the car with Rebecca.


After walking for minutes or what seems like hours, I finally reach my school's parking lot. First I saw was girls fixing their make-up and guys talking. Literally 90% of the girls wore pink today. Is it 'Pink Day' today? Oh gosh I hope not. I spotted Kyle making out with a girl, that's normal. I spotted Tyler talking to his friends with his arm slung over Rebecca's shoulder. Fake. I rolled my eyes and quickly walk into the school, not wanting to see the sight of them. 

After school.

I walk out of our school and spotted a lot of people talking, leaning on their cars and making out in the middle of the parking lot. Finally, I spotted Rebecca's car, she wasn't there. Oh, come on! They're having cheer practice! Where? In the locker room? Whatever, I'm just going to walk home. I pass Rebecca's car without looking at it. I felt disgusted looking at it. It made me thought of Rebecca and Tyler. If you know what I mean. I walk out of the school gate. It's not like there weren't anyone walking home, they walk with their friends while I don't. Who cares, right? Friends are not important, at all. I huffed in annoyance and start walking home. 

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