Chapter 7

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Chapter 7.

Sunday. The last day of the week. Actually, the first day. I don't know. It was only eleven in the morning and I was laying on my bed, staring at my cream-coloured ceiling. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, making me sit up. Who would want to my house this early in the morning? I was about to open my room door when I heard Rebbeca's high-pitched voice talking to someone downstairs. Another high-pitched voice spoke. Oh, her friends are here. Yay. Note the sarcasm. 

My stomach growled loudly, telling me it's hungry. Ugh. I don't want to go down there and look at those faces but, I had no choice. It's either I go down to make some food and come up or starve to death. I prefer the first option but at the same time, I prefer the second option. OH! Who gives a fuck? I should probably go eat. 

"Sky! I'm going out!" Rebecca shouted as I was just about to open the door. 

Yaaas, bitch! I have the house to myself! I did a happy dance and fist-pump the air. I open the door proudly and ran down the stairs. I started singing a random song by Fall Out Boy but was rudely interrupt by some idiot ringing the doorbell. I grunted and walk towards the door. I open it and a gush of wind hit my face. I saw Tyler smirking. 

"I heard you singing." He said and enter my house.

"Come in." I said sarcastically.

He plop down on my couch while I close my door. I turn back and look at him. What is he doing here? I cross my arms over my chest. He look at me and check me out. What's so interesting? I was wearing a yellow tank top and grey sweat pants tha's all. I snap my fingers and pointed to my eyes.

"My eyes are up here, Tyler." I said.

"Yea, whatever." He took the remote beside him and switched on the TV.

I sighed and rub my temples. I was having the time of my life when this idiot came. I dropped my hands to the side and walk into my kitchen. I bend down to my cabinet and took out a white, floral plate. Placing it on the kitchen counter, I took out a butter knife from the drawer. I walk towards my fridge and open it, taking out a jar of jam. I turn back and saw Tyler watching football.

"Do you want anything, Tyler?" I asked him while opening the jar of jam.

He turn to my direction and got up from the couch. He walk towards the kitchen counter and grab an apple, hopping on the kitchen counter. He took a bite from the apple and chew it, making cruchy sounds.

"What're you having?" He asked me with his mouth full of apple.

"Just bread and jam. Do you want some?" I pointed the butter knife to him.

He shook his head in disappointment and hop off the kitchen counter. He took the last bite from the apple before throwing it into the rubbish bin.

"Go get dress, I'm taking you to breakfast." He said and walk back to the living room.

"No thanks. I'm perfectly fine here." I denied.

"Shut up and go get dress." He ordered me.

I put the bread in my mouth and went up the stairs.

After changing.

I wore a black beanie, a black sweater and normal jeans. I walk down the stairs and saw Tyler on his phone, texting. I cleared my throat, making him turn around and look at me. He smiled at me, showing his dimples.

"Ready." He said as he got up from the couch.

"Yea." I muttered.

I really didn't want to go out. It's so annoying. I rather stay at home than go out and see ugly people. Yep, that's why I don't have friends. I hate going out or anything that has to do with me going out of my warm house. I don't even like to go to school. Sure, I like to study and stuff but I hate going to school and be covered with microorganisms. Yuck!

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