Lovers Reunited Are Forever Grateful

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Oikawa snickered at the use of the codes to address their plan. That was definitely going to become an inside joke between the team that Kiyoomi wouldn't ever understand.

He turned to Atsumu, "Well, time to shine, Vixen."

Atsumu gulped and smiled shyly under the black veil that covered the lower half of his face, "Let's go," he said with a determined nod.

Oikawa grinned, and Atsumu followed him out of the room and into the main stage area. Atsumu walked with purpose, ignoring the wolf-whistles and cat-calls being thrown at him from the crowd.

They were almost at the entrance to the corridor when Atsumu caught a hand moving towards him in his peripheral vision. He caught the person by the wrist in a vice grip right before the hand came down on his backside.

The person, a man who looked like a manwhore of the highest degree, jolted, "H-hey, man, I'm sorry," he stammered, "I-I didn't mean no harm..."

Atsumu glared at him with a cold, lethal stare that only a seasoned assassin was capable of. His icy honeyed gaze zeroed in on the man, his grip tightening ever-so-slightly as he watched the man wince in pain.

Atsumu would allow no one but his boyfriend to touch him. It had been that way since he first started training bullet-tracing when held by Kiyoomi's father, and the only person who could possibly land a hit or bullet on him while he was actively trying to evade was Kiyoomi himself.

Atsumu leaned down closer to the man, easily towering over him with his high-heeled ankle boots.

"Don'tcha know the rules?" He asked lowly, "Keep yer hands to yerself," he said, his voice laced with venom.

The man trembled under Atsumu's gaze, and Atsumu let him go, realising he needed to complete the mission.

They walked into the corridor and Kuroo's voice came over the communicator, "Damn, Vixen, that's like the second time I've witnessed you make a man almost piss himself," he snickered.

"I told you," Komori's voice came through, "He's scary on missions."

Bokuto and Iwaizumi snickered as they neared them, "Hey, Troy," Bokuto greeted, "Vixen ready?"

Oikawa smiled, his alias begrudgingly reminding him of High School Musical everytime it was used, and he didn't really want to think of high schoolers singing and dancing when he mostly murders people for a living. Curse Suna for naming him that.

"Yup," Oikawa answered, glancing at Atsumu.

Atsumu nodded, "Don't worry 'bout me, I can handle a weasel," he let out a giggle, "Even a simping one," he thought.

Iwaizumi chuckled, and opened the door for him, "Here you go, Vixen," he said.

Atsumu nodded in thanks before he stepped into the room. True to the words spoken of the Faraday cage, his communicator became scrambled, so he reached up and clicked it off.

He looked up to see Kiyoomi staring back at him, seemingly asking something.

Atsumu's eyes softened, like they only did whenever he was with Kiyoomi, and he reached up to unclip the veil from the lower half of his face. He let it fall to the floor and smiled softly at Kiyoomi.

"Ya can speak here," he assured, "Sunarin an' Toya-kun made this room into a Faraday cage," he explained, "No radio waves can enter or exit."

Kiyoomi still looked hesitant, glancing up at the cameras, and Atsumu chuckled, "C'mon, Omi, d'ya really think I'm gonna take my mask off in a place where the cameras are actually on?" He huffed a small laugh, "Sunarin took care of that for us."

Finally, Kiyoomi broke. He ripped his mask off and rushed towards Atsumu, crushing him in a hug.

He wrapped his arms around Atsumu's waist, and rested his forehead on his shoulder. Atsumu's eyes were wide with shock, but he eventually melted into the hug, returning it gently.

"Omi-kun?" Atsumu called after a minute, "Are ya okay?"

Kiyoomi inhaled sharply and his body began to shake slightly as he tightened his grip on Atsumu.

"I'm so sorry," Kiyoomi finally whispered, "I missed you so much, Atsu."

Kiyoomi pulled back, his dark eyes heavy with guilt as he moved a lock of soft platinum blonde hair from Atsumu's eyes.

Even with the high-heeled boots on, Kiyoomi was taller than Atsumu, though Atsumu just about reached his nose now, instead of being under his chin.

Kiyoomi placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, before he leaned his forehead against Atsumu's. His thumbs brushed across Atsumu's flushed cheeks while held him gently in place with both hands on either side of his face.

"I'm sorry," he said again, "I'm so sorry..."

Atsumu reached up and gently took hold of Kiyoomi's wrists, pulling them away from his face. He let his hands drift down until they were clasped in Kiyoomi's, and he nudged his head forward to get Kiyoomi to stand up straight and look at him.

"Don't apologize, Omi," Atsumu said, "Jus' explain."

Kiyoomi nodded and took a deep breath, "That night... The night I left," he began, "I got a phone call. They were making threats, saying they knew where the base was and if I didn't listen they'd blow it up. I managed to figure out that they didn't know where the base was, but they're holding someone important to both Motoya and I–"

Atsumu's eyes widened in concern, "What?" He asked, cutting Kiyoomi off, "Omi, who?"

Kiyoomi closed his eyes tightly, "The mafia who runs this club... They have our cousin and one of our friends from when we were younger... From before Komori and I were roped into the family business," Kiyoomi sighed, "They threatened to kill them if I don't work for them," he explained, "They- They're trying to get me to bring down my own mafia and take control over the city."

Atsumu's eyes somehow widened even further, "An' the team?? Do they know our identities??" He asked quickly, "Fuck... The whole team is here! We're usin' aliases, but–"

"I doubt it," Kiyoomi replied, "Over the phone, I asked them a few questions to gage how much they actually know about the team... Turns out it's not a lot since they think I have a girlfriend," he snorted.

Atsumu let out a sigh of relief and let out a short laugh, "I knew ya were still with us," he said proudly, "Though, I'll admit," he let go of one of Kiyoomi's hands and made a pinching gesture with his thumb and index finger, "I was this close to huntin' ya done an' murderin' ya on sight when ya shot at us."

Kiyoomi smiled shyly and gulped, "I had to get a message through to you somehow," he said, "If nearly dying in the process is what it takes then so be it," he added, "Besides... You look absolutely amazing right now, Love," he complimented.

Atsumu blushed, "Well, we put this whole plan together to talk to you safely without the watchful eyes an' ears of whoever is listenin' to ya," he explained, "There was a lot that went into gettin' ya into this room without raisin' suspicion."

Kiyoomi snorted, "I could tell," he said, his hands moving to gently grip Atsumu's exposed waist and pull him closer.

Atsumu leaned up and placed a soft, chaste kiss on Kiyoomi's lips before pulling back to look at him in the eyes, "So what d'ya plan to do?" He asked, getting back to the topic of Kiyoomi's dilemma.

Kiyoomi didn't have to think for long to know his answer, "I'm going to tear their mafia to the ground from the inside out, and return my friends to safety under our protection," he answered.

Atsumu raised his hand to cup Kiyoomi's cheek, determination sparking in his eyes, "Tell me what I can do to help."

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Idk why but I loved writing this chapter

Anygays, bye!

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Until Death Do Us Part (SakuAtsu Mafia/Assassin AU) Where stories live. Discover now