Hyper-Focus Is Difficult To Achieve

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The music started and Kiyoomi recognized it the song as Sweet Dreams by Besomorph.

(Song at the top)

The slow, mysterious music began to play as the lights dimmed a bit more, and the white lights of the stage floor darkened to a bloody red, bathing the room in an ominous glow.

The lights faded between red and purple on beat as the audience waited in anticipation for Vixen to take the stage.

Kiyoomi gulped, unsure of what to expect as the beat quickened.

The curtain leading to back stage flew open as a heavily attractive man walked out onto the stage, his arms wide from having thrown the curtains open. It was Vixen.

Vixen walked down the long stretch of the stage, his hips swinging side to side and drawing attention to his slim waist and perfectly toned abdominals.

He walked on beat, and Kiyoomi's eyes followed his every movement. Something about Vixen seemed very familiar.

Vixen made it to the pole and gripped it with one hand before he circled it slowly.

He then stopped and slowly removed his hood, letting the jacket slide down his long and slender arms.

Letting the jacket slide to the floor, Vixen slowly bent down, and picked it up, purposely exaggerating his movements. When he stood up straight again, he turned and looked Kiyoomi dead in the eye and flicked his hand off in his direction, throwing the jacket right into his lap.

He then took hold of the pole with both hands and lifted himself into the air as the lights brightened, reflecting off his platinum blonde hair and pale skin.

The coloured lights danced across the jewelry that ran up his arms, and illuminated the collar around his neck.

Kiyoomi inhaled sharply. He understood now. Vixen was Atsumu, and, holy shit, Kiyoomi was having a hard time watching him.

The beat slowed as Atsumu spun around the pole slowly. He was upside down with his left leg bent around the pole and his right leg pointed straight upwards. His back was against the pole and he held onto it with his left hand stretched out below him and he let his right hand elegantly sweep through the air, glittering with gold chains.

Kiyoomi caught a glimpse of the golden chain with the bullet on it around his neck and his breath caught in his throat.

Atsumu opened his eyes once he was facing Kiyoomi again, letting the light dance across his cold honeyed gaze before he gripped onto the pole with his right hand behind his right leg. He unwrapped his left leg from around the pole and let his legs fall open effortlessly into a perfect upside-down split.

Atsumu let himself spin before he twisted his legs around the pole and let go with his hands, stretching back and allowing the attention to be drawn to the expanse of his torso.

He placed his hands on the ground below his head and let his legs unfurl from around the pole as he twisted and dropped into a split, facing the front of the stage - facing Kiyoomi.

Atsumu quickly drew his legs together and stood up, walking down the steps of the stage on beat.

He walked right up to Kiyoomi, and tipped his chin up with his index finger, peering into his eyes before he twisted on his heel, and walked back on stage with a sweep of his hand that left Kiyoomi reeling.

Kiyoomi had never been more glad of the jacket on his lap than right that moment.

Atsumu gripped onto the pole and dipped low one more time while looking over his shoulder at Kiyoomi for good measure, actually enjoying the attention for once. Well, if it meant that he could make his boyfriend suffer for leaving him alone, then he'd enjoy every second of it.

Atsumu then completed his dance by walking back down the stage to the curtain. He held it open with one hand and looked over his shoulder once more for dramatic effect before he slipped behind the curtains and walked down the steps backstage.

He made his way quickly to his dressing room, "Phase four complete," he said into his communicator.

"The room is ready," Suna's voice came through, "We just tested it."

"Michael, get ready to get the weasel," Komori added.

"Got it," Akagi replied.

"Vixen, honey, I'll be right there in a minute," Oikawa squealed, "You did so well!"

Kuroo snickered, "Yeah," he agreed, "I can see the weasel sweating from here," he added.

"Yo, Kory, Hayden," Osamu called through the communicator, addressing Bokuto and Iwaizumi by their aliases, "Make sure the weasel doesn't fuck my brother while he's tryna get information from him," he directed.

"Sa- Oscar!" Atsumu scolded, nearly using Osamu's actual name.

Iwaizumi laughed, "You got it, Oscar," he replied, ignoring Atsumu's flustered huffs of annoyance.

Bokuto giggled mischievously, "Yeah, we'll make sure he keeps it in his pants," he assured.

Komori snickered before he cleared his throat, "Alright, enough. Commense phase five."

"On it," Akagi and Oikawa said simultaneously.

Oikawa made his way from the bar to the door where he could access backstage.

He passed the dancers going back onto the stage and made a beeline for Atsumu's dressing room to wait with him.

Meanwhile, Akagi moved from the bar to where Kiyoomi was sitting. Kiyoomi still looked shell-shocked and Akagi stifled a laugh.

"Hello again, sir," Akagi greeted, "We've lined up a private dance for you with Vixen," he informed, smiling mischievously.

Kiyoomi jolted out of his stupor and blinked at Akagi.

Akagi was really struggling not to laugh at that point, and he could hear the snickers of his teammates who could see them through his communicator.

Akagi held back his laugh and smiled once more, "If you'd like to follow me, I can lead you to the room?" He asked.

Kiyoomi gulped, "Yeah, sure," he answered before getting up to follow Akagi to private room eight.

Akagi led him to the end of the corridor that had the private rooms where Bokuto and Iwaizumi were standing guard. Suna and Komori had already left the room and went back to the main stage area.

"Here we are," Akagi said as they stopped right outside the door, "Vixen's manager should be bringing him along soon so sit tight," he said before turning to Bokuto and Iwaizumi, "Make sure he obeys the rules for me, okay, Hayden? Kory?"

Akagi pursed his lips at the aliases, trying not to laugh as he walked away.

Bokuto and Iwaizumi's attention went to Sakusa and Bokuto opened the door for him, "Right this way, sir," he said, holding back a laugh.

Kiyoomi nodded and walked into the room.

"And keep your hands to yourself," Iwaizumi called from outside in a deadpan tone of voice right before he closed the door.

Iwaizumi then chuckled, "The weasel has entered the thicket, unleash the fox," he said, still in code.

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Ngl that scene was actually fun to write 😂

Anygays, bye!

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