Chapter 6- Crystal clear.

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-Almas POV-

"oh, don't cry darling... it's for your own good. Remember." The woman says towering over me. I nod and bite in the pain when she lands a kick in my rips again.

"you're useless without me"


            "you were never a competent Ymbryne"



    "you couldn't take care of Victor why should you be able to protect them"

"be quiet"


"now now... we wouldn't want the children getting hurt"


                    "you ungrateful whore"

Her words fly around me, and I can't take it!

My eyes shoot open, and I sit up abruptly waking Crystal. I was drenched in sweat, and she didn't make me feel any better. She scoffed and I got up to get changed but not before getting thrown to the ground with a kick in the ribs and back. I moaned out in pain, and she let me get up. I realized I hadn't eaten in days, but I had no appetite. I just wanted to go to sleep again.

-Y/N's POV-

Alma hadn't eaten in a whole week... you had been to worried to leave though no one else then you seemed to notice. But today when the woman came down looking dehydrated and very lean with dark circles under her eyes and her hair down. Everyone seemed to notice. You had made breakfast and she didn't even seem to mind, she just sat down and stared at her hands.

"Y/N... Y/N?" you snapped out of you're trance when Emma suddenly waved a hand in front of your face.

"Wha- yes?" you said flustered out of embarrassment.

"Olive just complimented the food" she said smiling at you. You looked over to Olive giving her a genuine smile.

"I'm glad you like it" you said before glancing over at Alma again. She hadn't even touched the food.

"Are you not hungry?" you asked her, and she looked up very sudden. You hadn't meant to ask but your worry got the better of you. Her brows were raised but no smile could be seen.

"No, I don't quite have the appetite..." she said looking down again.


Once everyone was finished everyone walked out and Alma headed up stairs. Though she stopped in the middle of the staircase and gripped on to the railing. You were on your way to her as everyone was growing worried.

"Alma? Are you alri-" you cut yourself off when the woman suddenly fell unconscious. Gasps were heard all the way down. You stumbled a bit but eventually got her lifted just like she'd done a few nights ago with you.

"don't worry I'll take care of this" Crystal said but you glared at her.

"I got her" you said correcting her from referring to the woman as an object. You walked up the stairs while Crystal hushed the children outside.

"I got you" you whispered to the woman in your arms. You opened the door to her room and had to keep yourself from a scream. Bloody bandages were on her bedside table along with opened healing creams. You lay down her body and remove her coat and shirt. Tears filled your eyes when you seen her bloody and bruised body. You grabbed a bottle of something that smelled, and waved it under her nose, waking her up. She gasps seeing the state of things before just completely breaking down. You took her frail body and your heart broke.

"Alma... this is Crystals work... isn't it" you said carefully, and she let out a loud sob nodding. Anger filled you up and you got up.

"give me two minutes" you said walking away leaving her confused.

"ENOCH!" you yell and the boy comes out of the kitchen with a jar.

"Listen" you say before just sharing your thoughts. He dropped the jar and he went to grab the cross bow. You gathered Emma and agreed that Olive would keep the children away. In your time away Crystal had sneaked upstairs and when you all entered Alma was already on the ground.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH" you screamed and with little to no control over your actions jumped on her. She looked intimidated by your as your anger took a hold.

"HOW DARE YOU!" you yell pinning her to the ground. Alma cries out and you see glass in her side leading you to crawl to her. Enoch had the crossbow directed to Crystal who had grown silent.

"Enoch..." you say and he looks at you.

"get her the hell away."

"but I-" Crystal says before you cutting her off.

"GET OUT. BEFORE I KILL YOU!" you shout, and she flees the scene. You look back at Alma who looks at you pleadingly. You read her mind.

'please they can't see me like this' you look to Emma and Enoch who stood hurt.

"thank you." You say and they leave knowing what you meant. Alma groans out of pain.

"I'm sorry blue bird" you say feeling guilty for not having stepped in before now. She just cries, you holding her in your arms.

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