【Chapter 13】

Start from the beginning

"Scarlet Phantom and I will play decoy whilst you and Polnareff get the horses free from the carriage," I said as I stood up and jumped off the carriage as Scarlet Phantom materialised beside me and spread her wings.

"Are you insane?!" Polnareff and Rita exclaimed in unison.

"What if the lightening hits you?" Polnareff frowned.

"I'll make sure it doesn't. I'm quick enough to change direction, so avoiding the lightning shouldn't be a problem," Scarlet Phantom said as she grabbed onto me, then added, "just make sure you get the horses free and get out of here, we'll catch up with you."

Before Polnareff or Rita could protest, Scarlet Phantom jumped into the air and started to fly away from them.

Everything was going according to plan. The lightning was following us and leaving Polnareff and Rita alone.

"Looks like whoever the Stand user is can only strike one bolt of lightning at a time, hence why they're going after us," Scarlet Phantom theorised before dodging an incoming lightning bolt.

"We need to track them down, and fast," I said.

"I'm already on it, I've been able to sense their energy, so they can't be that far away."

Suddenly, another bolt of lightning struck, and Scarlet Phantom narrowly missed it.

"Shit..." The red-haired Stand hissed. "That one was stronger than the others!"

"Do you think we're getting nearer to the Stand user? Maybe their Stand works by range, so the further away the target, the weaker the Stand is?" I suggested.

"It's possible seeing as most Stands work like that."

As we continued to fly around, I swear I could feel electricity in the air which made the hair on my arms stand on end.

"Scar? Something's not right..."

"What do you me—"

Without warning, an extremely strong bolt of lightning struck, and unfortunately hitting Scarlet Phantom's right wing in the process, causing both of us to yell out in pain.

Scarlet Phantom pulled me closer to her chest as we started to fall to the ground before suddenly de-materialising.

As I felt myself get closer to the ground, I braced myself for impact, knowing full well this is not something I would make out of without a few broken bones.

My mind cast back to when I was in a similar situation and I was fighting DIO. His Stand had hit me so hard that it had sent me flying into a hotel sign and crashing to the ground below. I ended up with many broken bones after that attack, and I couldn't imagine how my now-healed bones would handle another great fall 6 years later.

As I was about to hit the ground, I felt myself get grabbed.

"It's okay, I've got you!" A familiar French accent said.

I looked up to see Polnareff. He had saved me from crashing to the ground just in time!

"Polnareff," I said the Frenchman's name with a sigh of relief. "You saved me."

"I'm glad I was able to make it in time. I saw you fall from the sky and Scarlet Phantom de-materialising just as we managed to get the horses, so I bolted over here to save you," Polnareff explained as he reared the horse round and rode back towards Rita as the lightning bolts followed us.

"I think we were near the Stand user," I said. "The lightning bolts were starting to get stronger, and I felt the electricity in the air."

"Well, once we get back to Rita, we'll head back over there. I don't want you being near them though. If they see you weakened, they'll direct their attacks at you," Polnareff said with a stern tone.

The Stars That Guide Us: A New Adventure - A TSTGU NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now