Chapter 22- Sunday

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It was race day and the paddock was back to its usual merry self after the drivers had apologised to eachother the previous day.
Seb was starting on pole and it was the best opportunity for a podium by a team from outside one of the top 4 teams. Compared to fp3, the race was uneventful in terms of incidents. The track was slow fairly difficult to overtake on so it meant that Seb managed to get a podium.

As the race progressed, there was a weird number of mechanical failures. All the ferrari engine powered cars suffered from engine failure, so that's Alfa Romeo, Haas and of course Ferrari. And on top of that, several suspension problems occurred due to the FIA adding bumps to the edge of the track after qualifying for some reason. So in the end, only 10 cars ended up finishing the race.

Checo won the race with Lewis in p2 and Seb getting p3. Then Danny in the Williams came p4 (sound familiar). When they got out in Parc ferme, Lando came over to congratulate the ones on the podium.

LN- Congrats guys
SV- Thanks Lando
CP- Yeah thanks
LN- Oh yeah it's your first win of the season isn't it Checo
CP- Yeah, I would say it's been a long time coming, but it's really not
LH- Yeah congrats Checo
LN- You know I was thinking, you three and Danny are in the top four, and the other times that has happened, well
SV- I haven't the faintest idea what your on about
CP- Totally don't know what your going on about
LH- Agreed, cause remember, that never happened
LN- So it did happen again last night
SV- Well can you blame us after the weekend we had already had
LN- I suppose not, I am sorry about that by the way
LH- I know you are Lando
CP- Are you coming to the dinner tonight then Lando
LN- What dinner
SV- It's one for all the drivers to attend if they wish
LN- We're not in trouble are we
LH- Oh no, it's just for you to get a chance to speak with people you might not usually speak to very often
LN- That's a good idea, but I'm not sure yet
LH- Ezra will be invited
LN- Okay I'm coming then, and I'll leave you to your podium now
CP- Thanks Lando
SV- See you later

The three drivers made their way up to the podium and when the champagne had been sprayed went off to do their media duties.

In the meantime, Lando was busy going round the paddock with Danny informing everyone that there was a drivers dinner tonight that they could attend if they wanted to and all of the grid accepted the invitation.


Ezra was in the garage with the rest of the ferrari crew and Charles when Carlos came in after just being seen talking to Lando outside of the garage. Carlos came over to where Charles and Ezra were stood, looking over the data they had gathered before the car had broken down.

CS- Hey guys
CL- Ah, there you are Carlos
CS- Yeah, I was just talking to Lando
CL- Oh yeah, what did he say
CS- There's a drivers dinner tonight and your both invited
EZRA- What, even me too
CS- Apparently, Lando said that Lewis said that your invited and Lando and Danny have been going around informing everyone
CL- Cool, but how come Ezra had been invited
CS- Oh, I think that he has just made a good impression on Lewis
CL- That's good, we'll both be there
EZRA- Yeah
CS- Well I did accept the invitation knowing that you'd come
CL- Well we'll see them all later then


》1st- Checo- 25
》2nd- Lewis- 18
》3rd- Seb- 15
》4th- Danny- 12
》5th- Lando- 10
》6th- Max- 8
》7th- Nyck- 6
》8th- Alex- 4
》9th- Lance- 2
》10th- Pierre- 1

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