Chapter 10- Friday

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The next day, Lando met up with Lewis, Carlos and Oscar to go to lunch with them. They arranged to go to a small cafe near the track. As it was a night race, their lunch time was free, so they were able to go off for lunch.

CS- Ah, Lewis long time no talk
LH- Yeah, you can come out to lunch with me, Seb, Checo and Daniel at some point if you want
OP- Wait you all meet up without us
LH- Well we do need some time without having to look after the rest of you
LN- I suppose you have a point
OP- So, what gossip do any of you have
LN- Erm, I sort of have a crush on someone
CS- It's not me, is it
LH- Nah
OP- Wait, you know about it
LH- Yep
LN- I have a crush on Ezra
CS- Our new strategist
LN- The very same
CS- So that's why you were there yesterday
LN- Yep
LH- Lando, I was talking to Pierre yesterday and I found out that Ezra is the brother of Charles
CS- Agreed, WHAT
OP- Erm, who is Ezra
LN- He's the one who I asked you about when, you know
OP- Oh, that's him
CS- So, what's happened between you two then
LN- We went out for drinks last Saturday and Sunday
OP- Sounds like it could be serious
CS- Has he made a move on you yet
LN- Well it's not quite like that yet
LH- Wait, have you seen him again this weekend
LN- Yeah, yesterday
LH- Did you talk about last week
LN- No, Carlos came and I sort of backed out of doing it, what about you
LH- No chance, haven't had chance to yalk to him yet
OP- What happened
LN- Not much, oh Lewis, Ezra wants tips on how to recover from a hangover, I said you'd be the best person to talk to
CS- I mean, he did win a race whilst being extremely hungover
OP- WHAT, you have been driving after you drank the previous evening
LH- Hush, we don't talk about it
CS- Not just Lewis, but Seb, Checo and Danny as well
OP- Wait SEB
LN- Yep
OP- When was this
CS- Erm I think 2018, is that right Lewis
LH- Erm, no
LN- When was it
LH- The last time was erm, last season
OP- Hold on
LN- Wait
LH- Shut up, but yes
OP- How
LH- I'm not sure
CS- I thought Seb would have been less careless
LH- Nah, anyway I need to go, it was a good lunch though
LN- Yeah, so do I

They all got up and left the cafe all going their separate ways (apart from Lando and Oscar) back to their hotels to get ready to head for the track later.

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