Chapter 6- Monday

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Lando woke up later that morning with a dreadful hangover and a vague memory of what happened that night. Eventhough he was very drunk, the one thing that stuck in his mind was when Ezra kissed him, on the lips!!!
As you could imagine, Landos head was in a bit of a spin, and that was not just from the alcohol. The only thing he could think of doing was calling Lewis and ask him, his advice.

'Good morning Lando, you sound dreadful, no offence'
'To be honest I feel dreadful, didn't get back in until two thirty am'
'Oh yeah, how was last night'
'It was good but I need your advice'
'If you feel up to it, how about we meet up for breakfast, I know a good cafe'
'Sound good I'll be there in half an hour'
'See you then Lando, I'll text you the details of the place'

Lando hung up and decided that he'd best take a quick shower to freshen up before going to meet Lewis for breakfast. After his shower, he took some aspirin to deal with his headache.
He looked at his phone and took a taxi to the place Lewis told him about. There were also several messages from his team arranging a celebration dinner for later.
Lando got to the cafe and met Lewis who had also just got there.

'Let's order some food first then you can tell me what happened'
'That's fine by me'

They ordered some food. Lewis got some crumpets that were oozing with butter, vegan of course, whilst Lando ordered some choc chip pancakes with the excuse that he had won a race the other day, when Lewis asked him about his diet.

'So what did you need my advice on and how did your evening go'
'My evening was fine, Ezra was really nice and I just seemed to click with him'
'That's really good, I'm happy for you Lando, and also congratulations on your win again'
'Thanks, but Ezra also confused me quite a bit as well'
'Well, he called he handsome, saying I looked handsome, which I thank you for helping me with my outfit by the way'
'That's not a problem, but go on'
'Then things get a bit hazy as I was drunk, but I'm sure that he kissed be on the lips when we said goodbye, I'm not sure if he did it, and if he did whether he meant it or not, so I'm not sure what to do'
'That is a confusing situation, you could ask him about what he remembers from last night, or just see how he acts towards you and gather whether he likes you or not'
'I suppose that could work'
'If you like, I could talk to him as well because I think he is more likely to tell me if he likes you rather than him tell you himself'
'That's a good idea, thanks for that Lewis'
'No problem, erm just want to clarify you do like him, don't you'
'Yeah, I find him cute and it's the way we can have a conversation'
'That's good, I'll make sure I talk to him'
'Thanks for the breakfast, I need to go and work off my hangover somehow'
'I'd advise you to drink plenty of water or fruit juice and also coffee and tea, take it from experience'
'Is that how you cured your hangovers before races'
'Those never happened okay, if anyone asks'
'Yeah, sure see you later Lewis'
'Bye Lando'

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