Countries Info (For better Lore)

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Qota Republic

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Qota Republic.
-It is the nation created and lead by Hodgkins the Main Protagonist.
-Thanks to the Hodgkin's system, the once split elven villages were united under the folds of the Republic.
-It is one of the Major Powers of the Altrainian Continent.
-However, it still faces hostility both External and Internal threats.

Population: 9,000,000 (Hodgkins Continued to secretly summon some civilians during the 4 months of the war.)
Number of Military Personnel: (During Charatian Invasion) 950,000 personnel

)Number of Military Personnel: (During Charatian Invasion) 950,000 personnel

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Billian Republic

-Is the nation located to the North West of the Qota Republic.
-It is based on a Democratic Republic.
-It's tech level is in the 1910s to 1920s. But with some improvements on some areas.
-Their Current President is Pres. Shawn Krowak.
-Population: 65,000,000
-Number of Billian Military Personnel: 900,000( beginning) 1,400,000 personnel (during the Charatian Invasion)

-Population: 65,000,000-Number of Billian Military Personnel: 900,000( beginning) 1,400,000 personnel (during the Charatian Invasion)

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Charatian Federation
-Is the leading superpower of the Continent and the Tripartite Alliance.
-It is one of the countries with external hostility towards the Qota Republic since its membership with the ADL.
- Its tech level is between 1930s-1940s. Albeit with some fields being better than their counterparts from Earth. With some of their more secretive Military projects reaching the 1950s in terms of technology.

Population: 95,000,000
Number of Charatian Military Personnel: 1,500,000 (beginning) 760,000 (during the invasion)

Kriegstanian Empire
-Was the first country to notice and nearly discover the secret behind the creation of the Qotan Republic.
-Was One of the Nations hostile to Qota mostly due to being part of the Tripartite alliance with the Charatians.
- The tech level of the country is in between the 1890s to 1910s.

Population: 50,000,000
Number of Military Personnel: 750,000 personnel (beggining) 400,000 (during their defensive war against the Qota Republic.)

Current Map

Pre War


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Chapter End

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Chapter End

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