There's a brief silence. "I know. Well, I didn't know until I went back inside. I doubt he heard anything we said, though."

Salem frowns, unsure about that. He thinks they were being pretty loud, but oh well. "Okay, well, he mentioned it to me. It seemed like he knew you."

Another silence, but this one is not nearly as short. Salem wishes he was talking to Jordan in person so he could gauge his expressions and body language. Sadly, he only has changes in tone to go off of right now. Maybe he will question Jordan about it further, another time.

"He may have seen me in passing," Jordan says in complete monotone. Salem frowns, because that doesn't make sense. Atlas knew him by name. Criminals don't remember cops by their name unless they either confront that cop a lot or that cop has done something of significance—something to make themselves stand out, whether it be personal or not. Atlas seeing Jordan in passing makes no sense, because then he wouldn't know his name. Jordan would probably be aware of this, too.

It doesn't add up.

Still, Salem decides not to push it—at least, not until he's around Jordan in person. He's so much harder to read over the phone. "Okay, well I was just wondering."

Salem hears a hum from the other end, Jordan notifying him that he needs to go right as Salem reaches his Camaro. He already sees Milo in the passenger seat, and realizes he forgot to lock his car. Milo better not have messed with anything.

They say goodbye, and Salem slides into the driver's seat. Milo already has his phone plugged into the aux, so as Salem starts up the car, Milo's shitty music begins playing.

"Took you long enough. I thought for sure you'd beat me here." Milo remarks, scrolling through his phone. Salem hopes he's looking for something better to listen to.

"Why?" Salem asks, because it's not like he hurries here after school. Sure, he's generally a pretty fast walker, but Milo's last class is way closer to the student parking lot than his is.

"Cam wouldn't shut up." Milo replies. Salem should've been able to predict what he says next, because Cam can never go too long without doing something stupid. "He wants me to help him film a video for his page."

Salem frowns. "Of what?"

"Some sort of prank on Levi, I don't know. I think he's suicidal." Milo says, and Salem's eyes widen in alarm. A prank? On Levi Morgan? Oh, Cam 100% has a fucking deathwish, Jesus. "I'm pretty sure it's a revenge thing. I would think that Atlas was payback enough, but apparently not."

Oh, Salem does not want to think about Atlas right now. At least, not like that. Protecting Salem and being the most confusing person on earth. Also, Cam kind of deserved Levi's rage. Sure, Salem doesn't want Cam to get hurt, but he completely destroyed the guy's truck. Levi's parents make good money and he had a new car within a week or so, but still. Salem thinks the anger was warranted.

Taking it out on Salem? Not so much. That's why Atlas got involved, and probably why Cam has come up with this whole revenge scheme.

"Please try to talk him out of it." Salem sighs, and he's pulling out of the parking lot now. He gets on the main road, Milo's work only a couple minutes away.

"I did! You know how hard that is to do, especially when his views go down. He's probably going to try and talk you into helping, too, since his videos get more popular when you're in them."

Salem never really noticed that, and he can't help but wonder why. There's no way he's helping Cam with another one of his stunts, though, especially a prank on Levi. Hell no, Atlas does not make empty threats, and Salem cares far too much for his friend's safety. Salem can't risk getting injured again, out of concern for Cam.

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