Chapter 24

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I woke up early and hopped in the shower really quick. I went into the kitchen and decided to make pancakes for everyone.

"Wow are you cooking?!" I heard Pierre's voice behind me. "God you scared me! Did I wake you up?" I asked, while flipping the pancake. "Nope, I've just woken up and didn't find you in the bed so I wanted to know, if everything is okay." he said and put his chin on my shoulder. "I'm alright." I smiled and did another pancake. "It looks delicious." he said and reached his hand out for one piece. I slapped his hand. "Nope, we will eat all together, when Lando will show up." I said and switched off the cooker. "Are you kidding me? That can be like 5 hours!" he said annoyed and I laughed. "What's funny about my hunger?!" he look at me and smiled. He came closer and started tickling me. "No Pierre stop! You know, I hate it." I said in between laughing. I was trying to get away from him, but he was too strong.

After like one minute of me almost dying, he stopped and grinned. "So how about you giving me the breakfast now?" he said proudly. "You don't deserve it at all." I smiled and he acted offended. I gave him and me pancakes on plates. I put strawberries and blueberries on it and to finish it, I poured maple syrup on them.
"You can talk to me now. Here is your breakfast." he looked at me then on the pancakes and back at me. "Have I ever told you that you're the best?" he smiled and took both our plates from my hands. "No, but I can get used to hearing it." I smiled and followed him to the table. We both sat down and started eating.

"Morning potatoes!" said Lando, when he came into the kitchen. "Morning little dj!" I said and smiled. "That wasn't nice." he said and rolled his eyes. "You're right! Calling us potatoes is much nicer." I said and we all laughed. "You've made breakfast?! You are truly amazing!" he said, took plate and came to sit down next to us. "So what is today's plan?" I asked. "Don't know yet. I have to pick up Luisa from the airport at 3pm." said Lando. "We can go to the port and borrow small yacht. It's hot outside today, so we can swim." said Pierre. "That sounds really nice!" I nodded. "It does, however I'll have to leave it just for you two today, because I want to help Luisa with unpacking and stuff." Said Lando and blushed. "Oh you are so in love how cute." I said and laughed. He kicked me under the table and continued blushing.

When we finished eating, the boys cleaned the kitchen and me and Pierre went to our room to pack, what we need for today. "I think, I have everything." I said and Pierre agreed. He took the bag with our things and put it in the car. "Tell Luisa, I can't wait to see her!" I told Lando, when we were leaving. "Of course. Enjoy the day guys! See you in the evening!" he said and closed the door.

"Are you ready for the best day of your life?!" asked Pierre in the car. "For sure handsome." I smiled. "I hope everything will be amazing and that we will enjoy it, even without Lando and Luisa." he smiled and I nodded.

After few minutes we got to the parking lot next to the port. We got our things and continued our way. I was looking at the beautiful sea, while Pierre was borrowing the boat.

"Everything is ready! Let's go." he smiled and we walked to one of the yachts.

We went away from the coast and in a while we couldn't see anything except eternal sea. "This is so beautiful!" I stood up and went to the handrail. "This is unbelievably beautiful." said Pierre, when the yacht completely stopped and he looked around us. "I've never seen anything prettier than this! I'm actually amazed." I smiled at him and kept luxuriate with the view. "Oh there is something even prettier, you wouldn't believe." he laughed and started putting out snacks, that we bought for this trip. "What?" I asked him and sat down on the blanket. "Me of course! Oh and then you are here too." he smiled innocently. "Oh shut up you bighead." I said and opened biscuits. "What did you just call me?!" he stood up and got me from the ground. He bent me over his shoulder and went near the handrail. "Say it again." he laughed. "Put me down Pierre!" I said while laughing too. "No repeat what did you call me." "That you are a bighead? Is that what you want to hear Gasly?" My stomach was actually kinda hurting, because his shoulder was pressing against it. "This is the last warning for you Zilber to behave nice here or you will end up in the water." he smiled and finally put me down. I was patting my belly, while he sat down to enjoy the snacks.

"I hate you." I said and sat down too. "Oh we both know, that's the biggest lie ever." he grinned. "No I mean it." I said and laid down to relax under the shining sun.

After few hours of us talking, relaxing, laughing , swimming and many others, we decided it's time to slowly leave this wonderful place.

When we were getting closer to the coast, Pierre came to me and hugged me from behind, while I was enjoying the sea view. "I hope you were happy today and forgot about all the bad stuff." He said quietly. "You have no idea. I forever owe you. You really overcame yourself." I smiled. "I'm so glad to hear that, however it's not over yet." he said and I turned to look at him confused.

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