Episode 7: A Tisket, a Casket, I'm Gonna Blow a Gasket

Start from the beginning

"Come on girls!" Brody yelled. As we ran with the Surfers and Sisters to the Don Box, taking the tip I read out:

"It's an all-in, we have to enter the castle, find an empty coffin, and whoever took the tip must drag the coffin containing their partner to the graveyard and tip said coffin into an open grave. You mean we have to enter that death trap?!" I questioned, terrified.

"Complete the task to get your next tip from the local grave digger," Brody said.

"The teammate in the coffin may not get out or help at all, oh boy," Dwayne Sr. finished. We made our way toward the entrance of the castle, I stopped and watched everyone else run in. 

"Come on Kris!" Marnie said, grabbing my arm before she dragged me in. As we were walking Brody tried to lighten the mood by telling us a story about the moose head on the wall.

"And then he screamed: Dude! That moose doesn't need mouth to mouth, it's just a head on the wall," Geoff, Brody, Kitty, and Marnie then laughed, running off.

"Timeout!" Emma yelled. "Let's split up! Kitty and I will continue down this hall, and you four can go away," I saw Marnie raise an eyebrow, she looked slightly offended. But before she could say anything her crush spoke up instead.

"Rad idea, cover more ground. If we find coffins we'll call you with our secret signal," he said before he and Geoff began to make loud bird calls jumping up and down. Marnie giggled with Kitty who took out her phone to snap a selfie with Marnie and the Surfers jumping in the background. Then I heard Emma groan, but we did what Emma suggested and split up. We ended up going with the surfers and began to hike through hallway after hallway. I was so terrified I was hugging Marnie so hard her feet weren't even touching the ground anymore. Soon enough we found a hall with three coffins and so Geoff and Brody began to screech the bird calls, but when no one showed up they stopped. Marnie would've done the same if she could get loose.

"Huh, guess they can't hear us, oh well hop in," Brody said. Geoff got into the coffin as Brody shut the lid.

"Kristen! Let go! Brody help!" Marnie croaked. Brody grabbed Marnie's leg and I accidentally let go as she screamed and flew into the coffin. Which I picked up and gripped tightly. Then suddenly out of nowhere the sisters fell from an opening in the ceiling. And they fell into another coffin open and nicer looking coffin.

"Aw sweet, you did hear us, got you a coffin," Brody said. As Kitty and Emma got ready for the coffin part. I backed up against the wall and I felt someone touch my shoulder I looked up and I saw a skeleton. I screamed and ran through the castle as fast as I could.

"Kristen, wait!" Brody yelled. I came to a short stop to catch my breath. But the worst happened I felt something skuttle up my leg, I looked down and spotted a massive purple spider. around the size of my palm. I screamed even louder and ran out of the castle and toward the gravesite.

Once I got out of the castle I sprinted to the gravesite and I spotted the Surfers and the Sisters. As they dropped their coffins.

"There you are. What happened?" Brody asked.

"A skeleton and a massive spider," I whimpered, hugging the coffin.

"Kristen can you stop hugging the coffin so tightly?! You're choking me through a layer of wood!" Marnie's angry voice came from the coffin. Reluctantly I dropped my sister into an open grave, as Kitty did the same with Emma. Then I felt another tap on my shoulder turning around I saw a very old looking gravedigger holding the next tip out on a machete at this I simply fainted and fell into the grave. But I was woken up when Marnie kicked me in the face. As we got out of the grave I grabbed her tightly, and screamed when I saw the gravedigger show up with the tip. And carefully took it with two fingers. Then he came over to the sisters with a tip as well.

"Oh dude the way you snuck up on us was epic! Epic!" Brody exclaimed as Emma took the second tip.

"You guys can take the next one," she said, getting out, as Kitty took a selfie with the gravedigger. Reading we had to ride on horseback to get to a gymnastics hall. We grabbed two horses and they galloped off with the Surfers and the Sisters right behind us.

Marnie POV:
Soon enough we got to the gymnastics centre and Kristen grabbed a tip. 

"It's a botch-or-watch, ooh gymnastics! Whoever didn't face the bullet ants in Brazil must perform two gymnastic feats. First walk across a balance beam and land a split jump at the end. Second complete a flip over a vaulting horse. Get a thumbs up from the judge and it's a foot race down the road outside the gymnastics centre where the chill zone awaits," Kristen read. "Marnie you can do this in your sleep, I'll wait with Geoff. Good luck!" Kristen smiled. After watching Emma do the exercise I stood in front of the balance beam ready to begin before Brody came up to me.

"Uh Marnie, do you know how to do this?" He asked.

"Yeah absolutely it's quite easy, just follow my lead, okay?"

"Got it!"

"First we walk across the balance beam. Then near the end jump into the air and land on the beam again. Like this," I said demonstrating and got off the beam. Then I watched Brody do the same thing.

"Sweet moves guy!" I complimented him. Brody then smiled slightly and got off the beam as well. "Okay this next part's a little tricky, we have to make a run for the springboard jump and then vault yourself over the vaulting horse. A bit like this," I said, taking a running start before vaulting over the horse flipping through the air and landing on my feet. Getting a thumb's up I smiled at Brody. "Think you can do that?" I asked.

"I don't know but I'm gonna definitely try," Brody said as he took a running start, jumped, vaulted, flipped and landed on his feet, also getting a thumb's up from the judge.

"Way to go!" I cheered, hugging him as he hugged me back. After standing there for a couple seconds we pulled apart and I knew I was blushing immensely.

"Guys come on!" Kristen yelled, she was right at the exit. We made a foot race to the chill zone.

"Surfer Dudes 8th place, Daredevils 9th!" He said as we cheered in a group hug. I couldn't wait for the next leg.

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