21: 'I love you.'

Start from the beginning

You began to run at her but an Erudite grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back. You sliced at his face with your knife and he let go, you could feel his blood dripping down your shirt. You couldn't reach Jeanine in time to stop her so you threw your knife aiming at her hand. Perfect hit. She screamed in agony and a man came running at you but Peter had your back.

"Hey." He yelled and grabbed the man's jacket, tossing him into a wall of jars like he was a paper ball. You keep your attention on Jeanine, hand around the grip of the knife buried in her hand.

"Shut it down." You say, voice low and full of hate.

"No." she spits in your face. You look at the screens and see more Abnegation being shot. You hear more footsteps coming and grab a gun from the side, raising it at the door. Will come round, Tris hot on his heels with Marcus, Four and Caleb.

"Chris!" He whispers as he looks at the screens, you follow his eyes and see Chris with a gun to the head of an Abnegation. Will walks over to Jeanine and pushes you out the way. In one movement he pulls the knife from her hand and has it at her throat. "I'm not asking again. Shut it down!" He yells in her face.

"I admire your willing to die for your cause, but so am I." His grip on her slackens. "You can't do it can you?" This makes him look at you, pain in his eyes. You look at the screens desperately trying to find something you missed. Then you see it. The wall Peter threw that man into was full of serum and syringes. Peter is closest so you nod at him, he understands.

"Will!" He shoves Jeanine away, moving the knife from her throat.

"Maybe you're not as Dauntless as you thought." She says, you aren't quite sure if she is talking to you or Will but you don't care.

"You're right." You say, catching the syringe Peter tosses you. Smiling at her even though it hurts you bleeding lips, you almost scream. "I'm Divergent." You move to her and sink the needle into her neck, she struggles but calms quickly, Peter comes to your side in an instant. "Shut it down and wipe the program." You say and Peter taps at a screen, she turns to a control panel and taps away. You watch in anticipation.

*Christina's pov*

I lower my gun and look around, I am surrounded by Dauntless and can't remember anything. I'm in Abnegation, I think, judging by the grey houses Tris, Dan and Y/n described. Then the memories come flooding back. Everything.

I collapse to the ground, head in hands, screaming.

Collapse. Hands. Scream.

Collapse. Hands. Scream.

Collapse, hands, scream.

Collapse, hands, scream.



All around me. Collapse. Hands. Scream.

*Y/n's pov*

"Simmulation shut down." A robotic voice says from the PA. Jeanine's hands shoot to her neck and she looks blank and searen for a moment, then she remembers what she did.

"No. No!" She says, reaching for the screens, trying to save it. She runs at you with the knife but you trip her and punch. Peter is still glued to the working screens.

"Y/n." he motions to a screen showing Max and a bunch of Dauntless coming for them. "We gotta go. Now." He grabs your hand and drags you out, the others following. Grabbing guns from the dead soldiers around to arm yourselves you keep moving, Peter and you at the front, Tris and Four at the back, Will keeping Caleb and Marcus in line. You get out of Dauntless, and run for the train.

Peter makes it on first opening the doors, Caleb jumped into a door slightly further up with Four who helps his father in, after some decision. Tris leaps into a door and you run for the next one up, a bit too slow with all the injury in your body.

"I got it." You call to Peter, who is hanging out of the car. He rolls his eyes.

"Sure. Don't worry your knight in black uniform is here." You laugh as he grabs your waist and pulls you up. Before you get into the cart you pull him in for a kiss.

You sit for a while in silence. Will is sat by the door connecting the cars, head in hands. Your pretty sure he's crying. Tris and Four are glaring at each other from either end of our car, watching the doors untrusting that you are alone. Marcus is trying to talk to Four but he has warned his dad that if he speaks again Four will shove him out the car.

"My mum and dad died today. They're gone." You don't cry. You don't hug him, just sit with your legs hanging out of the train as you watch the scenery go by.

"They loved you. They couldn't have shown you in any other way." You turn to him and smile, he wipes a tear from your face you didn't notice had fallen.

"We have nothing. No home. No faction." You say, more tears flowing down your face.

"We have each other." Peter says.

"We know Chris is alive." Will yells above the wind.

"We are alive." Four laughs and Tris joins in.

"We're like the factionless now. We've left everything behind, but we found ourselves and each other." You say to Peter.

"You're so cheesy and cute." You both laugh before you continue.

"Tomorrow we may have to fight again but now let's just ride the train to the end of the line." You smile and hug Peter.

"And then we'll jump." Your smile stretches even further and you nod again. "I love you Y/n L/n."

"I love you too Peter Hayes." You kiss him. "I love you."

1701 words



It's done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In case you couldn't tell I'm super happy!!!!!!!! I started this book on the 11th of September 2022 and today on the 21st of November 2022 I have finished it. 

Did you like it?

I love you all.

Until the next book,

Love a ton, Ocean xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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