"D2 what you doing here" I asked sighing heavily

"Jaz I miss you damn" He said as I stepped outside the house

"Dee it's late, shouldn't you be at home right now? And are you drunk" I asked frowning

"Yea" He said

"Well why are you here" I asked crossing my arms

"Ion know I just miss you and them words you said the night of the party keep replaying in my head Jaz, I'm sorry for hurting you and I'm sorry for being selfish and not letting you move on" He said looking me in my eyes so I knew he was for real

"You only saying that cause you drunk De'Shawn cause what happened the last time I forgave yo ass? You did the same thing again but worst you someone PREGNANT, and you don't and won't EVER understand how hurt I am by that cause the only thing you fucking care about is, Pussy, Money and drugs you ain't ever care about me like I cared about you" I trailed off as my voice cracked

"Baby I'm sorry I really am" He said as I just cried

"I think you should leave Dee" I mumbled looking down

"Ight" He mumbled turning around

"I love you Jaz" He said

"I love you too Dee" I mumbled watching as he walked to his car before I walked back in the house

"Bruh who the fuck calling me at this time of night" I frowned seeing an unknown number but I still answered

"Hello" I said

"Hello, Jazlyn?" I heard De'Shawn cousin Amber say

"Hello, why you sound like that" I asked frowning as I heard her sniffling

"De'Shawn just drove himself of a bridge" She cried making me instantly drop my phone as I screamed

"Nooooo" I cried

"Well what you trying to say? Amber is De'Shawn dead" I asked not wanting to hear that he's dead

"Yes" She said as I just cried

My heart bruh I was gon get over him hurting me but now he's gone and it's all because I wanted to be stubborn and not listen to him

De'Shawn don't ever drink how he did I should've just listened bro

"Imma call you back" I said hanging up as I through my phone

I got up grabbing my phone texting Kaiser cause I knew he would be up at this time and I really needed to talk to someone

"Wassup gangsta" Kaiser said getting in the car

"Kai....De'Shawn just drove himself off a bridge" I cried as Kaiser instantly pulled me into a hug as I just cried

"He had just came from my house before he did it too, he was trying to apologize for the fucked up shit he did to me but instead me being me I didn't wanna listen and I shut him out and now he's gone.... Because Ian wanna listen" I said wiping my face

"He came to my house drunk Kai he hardly ever drinks heavy like that......ion know how much of this I can take I'm so fucking tired.....First my mama now Him the actual one person that could save me from all this bullshit....no matter how much he had hurt me I still loved that boy yo" I said expressing how I felt

"Yo mama died? I heard everything else you said but what yo mama died?" Kaiser asked making me realize what I had said

"Yea, one day I'll tell you everything but right now I'm dealing with too much" I said

"Well imma be here every step of the way, you my friend we gon get through this together" He said as I just glanced over at him

"Thank you" I said not even above a whisper as he pulled me on top of him as he rubbed my back as I just closed my eyes

I hope when I wake up all of this would be a dream a nightmare actually



R.I.P. D2💔


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