part 8

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mark praised ivy and rubbed her stomach, her bloated gut was pretty huge. she really stuffed herself to the brim. "i-m gonna sleep- right here" she said and laid on the floor, closing her eyes and falling asleep instantly.

mark smiled snd got up to go get her some blankets and pillows so that she wouldnt be as uncomfortable.

he came back and draped 4 blankets over her. this was just one layer, she needed 4 to cover het huge body. mark stacked 2 pillows and placed them under her head, placing more blankets and comforters on top of her so she would be warm.

mark smiled while watching his girlfriend sleep. he loved her dearly and wondered if it was possible to get her to 700lbs.

maybe it was possible but she'd probably be immobile at that point.

after leaving the room to make sure ivy got some sleep without any noise disrupting her, mark decided to get some work done on his computer. he edited videos and updated the OnlyFans.

ivy and himself were making a lot of money off of her weight gain. and because he was still doing commissions.

he sighed and stretched in his seat, looking outside at the dark sky. he didnt realise it but he had been working for a few hours.

"better get ivy into bed" he muttered and got up, going over to ivy and waling her up.

"ivy" he whisered and smiled when she woke up.

"cmon lets get you to bed, the floor is uncomfortable" he said and pulled ivy up by her arms and watched as she slowly and sleepily waddled infront of him. mark grabbed all the pillows and blankets that were on the floor and followed her.

once in the bedroom she climbed uinto bed and sighed gently. mark got in bed next to her and moved closer to her, pulling her head into his chest and hugging what he could reach.

"i love you" mark said and watched as she fell asleep again.

after watching ivy sleep and just admiring her, he decided he should probably sleep too.

after much needed rest, ivy woke up first for once and sat up with a little bit of a struggle. she only got up because she could hear the door bell ringing so she got up and waddled to the door, opening it to see a fat woman and skinny man "oh hey you must be our colab partners" ivy said and smiled when the man started to blush and check her out.

ivy looked at the woman who was visibly smaller than ivy. she liked the fact this womans feeder was looking at someone better.

"come in, ill get mark up" ivy said and waddled back a little to let them in.

"so, ivy. how much do you weigh?" the feeder asked and shook ivys hand.

"dunno, we have scales here, follow me we can weigh me" she said and waddled to the scales. she could feel eyes burning into her from behind and she smirked because she knew exactly who it was.

"alright-" she said while panting. "just give me a second haha" she said and caught her breath, soon stepping onto the scale.

"right youre gonna have to look, i cant see what it says." ivy said and watched the feeder lean down and look.

"oh my- 613 lbs.. you gained 200lbs in a month??" he asked.

"well mark is wonderful and i spent all of my time feeding. even when i was asleep mark would feed me." ivy said and smiled, getting off the scales and waddling off to the bedroom.

"i better wake mark up" she said and walked over to mark.

"baby... mark.. hey" she said and shook mark but huffed when he didnt wake up.

she climbed onto the bed and sat on mark, he shot up and groaned gently. "i-ivy.. whats up?" he said and blushed, holding her hands.

"our guests have come early" she said and got off mark, letting him get up and stretch.

ivy giggled "next time you dont wake up i'll sit on your face" she said and smiled innocently.

"well i guess i wont wake up next time" he said and smiled, kissing ivy gently before slapping her ass.

"go on, go sit down im going to make breakfast." he said and watched ivy waddle out, her body jiggling with every movement

"also mark im 613lbs now, im up 13lbs since yesterday" she said and continued to waddle away.

"only 87 more lbs to go" mark muttered and decided to greet the guests.

"welcome, my apologies for not coming to greet you sooner, i was very tired and ivy managed to wake up before me" he said and smiled, shaking both the womans and mans hand.

"are you two hungry? im making breakfast for ivy and i could make something for you guys?" mark asked and the woman nodded.

"im really hungry actually.." she said and sat near ivy.

"hun you ate an hour ago" her feeder said.

"yeah thats a whole 60 minutes im hungry" she said.

"mark baby what are we having?" ivy asked.

"anything you like my love, we could go out and eat or i can cook" mark said.

"can we order something? i want you to sit with me..." ivy said.

"you mean you want to sit on my lap?" mark asked and smiled, grabbing his phone and walking over to ivy.

"you know me so well" ivy said and sat on marks lap. mark was taller than ivy but she was obviously fatter so she almost hid mark. if only she was a little taller then she could completely hide him.

"pizza for breakfast?" mark asked and the two pigs in the room nodded.

"pizza for breakfast it is" mark said and ordered 2 XL pizzas each for the growing girls and a large pizza for himself and the other dude here.

"its ordered, just gotta wait... also im mark by the way" mark said and shook the other dudes hand.

"im ollie, my feedee over there is Maisie" he said and smiled.

while the two feedees and two feeders talked, the food had arrived and mark went to the door to get it. he brought the pizzas over and handed two boxes to ivy and two to Maisie, letting them eat their food before taking the large pizza over to ollie.

"here we go, honestly this pizza place is fucking awesome" mark said.

"ive noticed in America its a lot easier to gain weight compared to the UK" ollie said while eating a pizza slice.

"yeah americas portions are out of control. ive been to the UK i was shocked to see how small everyone is. i reckon if you and Maisie stayed here, shed pile on a few hundred lbs" mark said

"we are actually thinking about moving but the only thing thats stopping us is that you lot dont have kettles" ollie said jokingly and laughed "im just joking, nothing like banter over a pizza while watching our fat girlfriends eat"

"amen" mark said and smiled, looking over at ivy who was on her second pizza while Maisie was halfway through with the first.

"so how are you liking it here so far?" mark asked ollie.

"honestly mate its awesome here. the food is good. the weather will take a bit of getting used to but honestly i think we would be alright livin' here" he said.

"im glad you like it here, well you guys are welcome to stay as long as you need to if you do plan on staying long" mark said and wiped his hands on a napkin when he decided he was full.

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