part 6

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mark woke up before ivy again, he decided to let her sleep in as she probably needed the rest.

mark got up and went to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and showered then headed downstairs once he was done and dressed.

he walked to his kitchen and figured he should cook ivy a nice fattening breakfast.

he cooked her a lot of pancakes and he was using good amount of butter in everything. he cooked bacon and even cooked a second breakfast that consisted of sausages, bacon and a grilled cheese. he paired that with a milkshake he made using icecream, cookies, chocolate, butter and a few tablespoons of lard. once it was all done he saw ivy come downstairs naked. she hadnt showered yet.

"hiya hun. you look sleepy" mark said and smiled gently. he placed the two plates at the table and watched ivy make her way over.

"i am" she said and looked at the food in front of her. she didnt question why there was so much because she knew she could eat it all.

"you wanna go out today or stay in?" mark asked and watched ivy start to tackle the big stack of pancakes.

"mm~ this is really good" ivy said and smiled. "could we go have a picnic?" she asked.

"that sounds fun, ill get all the food ready" mark said and looked through his pantry, seeing bottles of coke and many sweet treats. he grabbed some heavy duty bags and started packing snacks inside.

mark often checked on ivy, he saw she had almost finished both plates. she was just finishing the rest of her grilled cheese, sausages and milkshake.

mark smiled, he continued to pack food away until most of his pantry was empty. he did contemplate bringing the cake he had but he figured he'd just get some different ones at the store.

"hey ivy, im gonna go to the store to get some stuff for the picnic, you can stay here of you want?" he asked

"sure, i need to shower and stuff anyways" she said while drinking the rest of her milkshake, rubbing her stomach afterwards and burping gently.

mark smiled "alright if you get hungry help yourself to anything in the pantry.. and if you want me to get anything specific for the picnic just message me" he said and grabbed his car keys before leaving.

mark sat in his car after getting plenty of stuff for the picnic, he stooped off at cafes and grabbed sandwiches, donuts, muffins. he grabbed s lot of food including 2 more cakes for ivy.

mark decided to watch the cameras in the house and saw ivy was munching on the cake mark saw earlier and a bottle of soda. she looked pretty bloated and mark wondered if she had snacked on anything else.

he saw ivy huff and rub her belly, shifting so she could be more comfortable before eating again.

"thats my girl" mark said contently. he noticed how fat ivy looked now. was is possible she had gained weight?

mark stopped watching and decided to head home. once he got home he saw that ivy had gotten ready and was fully dressed.

"you look lovely" mark said when be entered.

"oh mark...hey look i ate the cake in the pantry.. i'm sorry if that was for the picnic.. but it was red velvet i couldnt resist" she ssid snd frowned.

"hey, its okay its just a cake, i can always buy more plus i already bought more because i know how much you love cake" mark said snd kissed ivy's cheek.

"am i getting fat?.." ivy asked.

mark stood back and looked at her "i dont think so" he lied. she was getting fat. "even if you did gain weight. youd still be stunning to me" he said and hugged ivy, kissing her gently to cheer her up.

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