But I want to play LEGOs...

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 Peter Parker's favorite thing to do was build legos. Okay, maybe that was his second favorite, hanging out in Tony's lab is just so entertaining. Unfortunately for Peter, as an AP student/ Vigilante combo and intern and heir to the Stark fortunes, free time just wasn't lying around. Free weekends were so rare and this weekend just happened to be free. 

Aunt May was on some mission trip in Costa Rica which left a certain spiderling 🕷 under the legal guardianship and care of one genius billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Peter was so excited to spend the long weekend at Avenger's tower. Most of the Avenger's would be there this weekend for training and what not and, although they argued, these heroes shared one thing in common. Their adoration of Peter Parker. After Tony had made up with Steve and the Sokovia accords were amended, Peter had been introduced to the Avengers (Steve had been last) It was hard not to fall in love with this bright eyed and bushy tailed kid.

So now it was 2:55 and Peter was so excited he could hardly sit still in his seat in AP Lit. The class was just so boring and he was so excited to go to Tony's, and maybe a little bit of his wiggling was because he had to pee. Just a little. You see, Peter has a high metabolism and a smaller bladder. Not the best combo. On top of this, he has the slight habit to get distracted. Very easily.


Peter was just walking down the hallway at industries, staring at his phone and the new Avenger's TikTok account he had made as their official (not really) social media manager. All of a sudden he heard a shriek from below him. Wait. Below him. Peter looked up and saw a terrified my stark, looked down and saw the ceiling and then freaked out and fell onto a now coffee covered CEO.


Finally the bell rang. Peter grabbed his backpack and small bag of stuff for Mr Stark's place, most of his stuff was already there, and dashed out of the classroom. Peter bounded down the stairs to the big black SUV pulled up outside of Midtown, only the best for an avenger and Stark heir. He slid into the backseat, and started chatting away to Happy, who was driving the car. When Peter paused to take a breath, Happy took the chance to interject, "Hey Kid, Tony is in a meeting until 4:15 so you will have to hang out in your own for a bit, he left something for you in the kitchen and wanted me to tell you the cupboard is stocked but if you eat the pop tarts, there is no promise you go home. Thor loves his pop tarts." Peter was a bit disappointed but shook it off, this was going to be the best weekend ever. In the short drive to the tower, Peter started to feel his bladder twinge he decided to ignore it though, and would go potty when he got to the tower.

Finally, the black SUV pulled into the underground parking garage of Avengers Tower. Peter jumped out of the car and rushed to the door. He was greeted by Friday and whisked up to the common floor. I'm the big kitchen table he saw the most beautiful thing ever. A giant star wars LEGO set. Peter threw his school stuff in the ground and completely forgot about his resolution to go pee. He took the LEGO set over to the rug and sat down. At some point, Steve began cooking dinner, Clint fell out of the vents while being chased by an unusually glittery Bucky Barnes and Bruce emerged from the lab. None payed too much attention to the boy, deep in thought in the family room. Finally Tony came home. When he walked in it was a bit chaotic. He looked over and saw Peter laying on his stomach on the carpet absentmindedly kicking his legs while building this masterpiece. 

Peter had been working on this build for an hour and a half and he had completely forgotten about his need to pee. You see, Peter hadn't gone to the bathroom since 11 am and it was now 4:30. That is a long time, especially for a kid with a super metabolism who loves  apple juice. Peter's need to pee had grew from barely noticeable to definitely present but it was fine. He was in so far to this build and was in a mindset. He didn't  too excited the uncomfortable twinge every time he readjusted his body, or the way his swollen bladder ached. 

Tony had known Peter long enough to know his pee dance, so when he saw Peter squirming in the carpet he knew something was up. I owning the boy would be embarrassed, he walked over and quietly asked Peter if he needed to go pee.

Peter turned to his mentor and thought for a moment. I'm the one hand he was really in the zone and could just go potty in a minute I'm the other hand he didn't want to have an accident in front of all the Avengers. He decided to ignore it and replied, "No me Stark, I just have a lot of energy."

Tony didn't buy it. " lots of energy " Worst. Excuse. Ever. He decided to do a little digging. First he asked happy if peter had gone pee when they got home. No. Next he asked Steve if he had seen Peter go into the bathroom. Another No. finally he asked Jarvis to do a quick scan of Peter. Bladder level, 80%, surprise surprise. 

Meanwhile, Peter's desperation had grown. He was determined to finish this part of the Lego's before taking a potty break, he was 16 after all. But he really had to pee. His engorged bladder throbbed as he shimmied around trying to find a comfy position. Eventually he gave up and decided to sit. Peter clenched his thighs together, desperately trying to finish these LEGOs. He was squirming more and more. He was holding his pee with all his ought as he attempted to read the next set of directions. The paper was shaking IN his hand. Suddenly he felt a quick spurt of warm urine splash into his boxers, dampening the fabric around his tip. He shoved his hand between his legs, grabbing at his cock and squeezing it, praying  that he didn't wet himself. He continued like this for a minute, building with one hand, holding himself with the other. Then he felt another spurt. He could feel a small damp latch forming in the outside of his jeans at the crotch. He shoved his other hand there and just held himself, grabbing at it and squeezing. There was not much he could do at this point, but going to the bathroom would mean walking past Steve who would no doubt be able to tell what was happening. So Peter sat there, desperately trying to figure out a plan, when he spotted a little plant I the corner of the room. Peter hurriedly crawled over and began to u zip his pants, pulling his member from the damp prison. As he began to aim, he heard footsteps, he shoved the thing back in his pants, feeling  the latch becoming bigger, Gave himself a quick squeeze and sat back down. He could not have his mentor think he couldn't hold his pee. Tony walked into the family room and looked at the boy in the carpet. "Peter," he said, " why don't we take a potty break" 

Peter whined, "Mr Stark, I'm 16, I don't need a potty break." 

All of a sudden he felt another spurt gush into his pants and felt mr starks eyes on him as he grabbed himself through the thick material of the jeans, also trying to cover the small dark patch on his jeans. Tony sighed, "Kid, it's okay to go pee, everyone does it." Peter whimpered, " I don't know if I can make it." Tony looked at him. Legs crossed, hands jammed into his crotch and the small wet patch. He walked over to the kid, "legs go, we can do it" he hoisted Peter off and began to guide him to the bathroom. Peter whimpered as they walked, grabbing at himself furiously, not cari g that Steve was there or that the rest of the Avenger's clearly knew what was happening. Finally he made it to the bathroom. Tony opened the door and Peter went in. Tony listened for a moment, two, three. Nothing. He didn't here the sound of Peter peeing. Tony burst through the door and saw Peter standing there, holding himself, with silent tears streaming down his face. "What's wrong?" Tony asked. "C-can't get my p-pants off", Peter hiccuped. "Kid, I need you to live your hands from you crotch so I can unwittingly your pants for you." "Caannntttt" Peter wailed. Finally Peter flung his hands away from his crotch, spurts dampening his undies at intervals as Tony skillfully u did his pants. As Tony undid the zipper, Peters will broke. Pee starting gushing from the irritated tip of his small dick flooding his pants and , unfortunately, the hands of his mentor. 

Tony picked him up, pulled down his pants and set him on the toilet, where he sat for only a few moments, until the stream tapered off. Peter began to cry. Tomy kmelt down and comforted him," Peter, it's OK, accidents happen to everyone p. You just need to remember tot ale breaks even when you are playing." "But I p-p-peed on your haaannndddd" Peter continued. Tony embraced the wet boy, and his pers in his ear, "it's ok, let's get you cleaned up" 

And so, 34 minutes and 27 seconds later, Peter was back on the carpet building LEGOs. The only difference, the rest of the Avenger's sat around watching him. And the edge of a pull-up peeking over the edge of his waistband. 

The End

- Hope you guys like that first one - 

Please  leave suggestions of people, scenarios, etc. that you want to see. love y'all ♥️♥️♥️

WORDS : 1700

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