vii. death's door

Start from the beginning

"You see him?"


"Where the hell is he?" Josie's eyes scattered frantically across the misty grass in search for Dart, her breathing heavy.

"Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin yelled up to the boy seeing as he had better eye view from the roof.

"Hold on!" Silence. "I've got eyes! Ten o' clock!" Lucas stuttered, "T-Ten o' clock!"

Low growling was heard, making it clear where Dart was. "There." Steve pointed to the monstrous figure.

"What's he doing?"

"I don't know."

Both Dustin and Steve spoke lowly as the trio watched in anticipation for the creature to take the bait that they had planted across the ground but to their surprise, it seemed to be taking its time.

"He's not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?" Steve's tone held slight panic as he stood between the two Henderson's.

"Maybe he's not hungry?" Dustin suggested.

"Maybe he's sick of cow." The three watched in silence for a moment before Steve was backing up from the window, causing the two to look at him. Josie saw him make a move for the nailed bat leaning against the wall. "Steve? Steve, what are you doing?" Dustin asked.

Steve grabbed the bat, turning and held his lighter up. "Just get ready." He chucked it to the boy.

"Don't be an idiot, Steve." Josie's voice trembled, looking at him worriedly.

His gaze softened slightly, "I'll be fine, Jose. Just stay put with the kids— If anything goes south, if anything happens..." Steve sighed.

"Just don't be a hero, okay?" Josie knew that there was no stopping Steve — another side of her wanted to take his place.

Without turning back, Steve stepped down the freaking metal stairs as he cautiously looked around with the bat in his hands in a death grip. Dustin quickly closed the door as him and Josie moved to crouch in front of the window, fearing for Steve's life.

The Harrington boy felt his heart hammering in his chest as he moved warily, his eyes searching for the hidden creature. "Come on, buddy." He whistled into the air.

From inside the bus, Max promptly stepped from down the ladder, joining the two. "What's he doing?"

"Expanding the menu."

Josie felt herself on the verge of a panic attack. "God, I don't think I can watch." But her eyes never left her best friend.

They watched as Steve stood in front of the bait. "He's insane."

Dustin smiled. "He's awesome."

"Holy shit." Josie breathed out, catching the much bigger, dark and chilling figure of Dart.

"Steve, watch out!" Came a yell from Lucas. "Three o'clock! Three o'clock!"

"Steve!" Dustin sprinted towards the door, whipping it open. "Abort! Abort!"

I Know The End ✸ Steve Harrington Where stories live. Discover now