(*Sky puts Java's phone on a desk face down*)

Sayori: so we have to find out who killed java?

Sky: guess so, let's look around for any clues relating to Java's.

Tord: wait, what if the body disappears?

Sky: oh shit, you're right, here, I have some lipstick, I can draw a outline of where he died.

(*Sky opens her lipstick and draws a outline of Java's dead body*)

Sky: ok, I'm finished.

Tord: there we go, now we will actually know if the body disappears.

Sky: now, let's actually search for clues.

(*after 1 hour of searching*)

Sky: anybody found anything?

Ski: not for me.

Sayori: same.

Blu: same.

Bob: I found some fingerprints around Java's body.

Tord: I found a knife covered in blood and fingerprints of the murderer.

Lord X: I found a blue strand of hair.

Sky: ok, I was unlucky because I didn't find anything.

Tord: well, we should go over the most obvious clue, the blue hair, that clears me and Sayori since we don't have any blue hair, that leaves you five.

Lord X: why me, my fur color must be purplish.

Sayori: that could be true, but it could also be dark blue, so lord x is still a suspect on the blue hair, but the rest are suspects of the murder.

Sky: well, we need to do some stuff, let's try to stop the train, let's search the other carts for any clues.

Sayori: good idea, Tord and Lord X, you go check up on the trains roof.

Tord: why do we get to be the lucky people.

Sayori: well, you call yourself mr. tough guy, and lord x is probably tall, so he can give you a boost up to the trains roof door.

Tord: oh, ok then, come on lord x.

Lord x: right ahead of you man.

Sky, I'll go check in the coal room, there could be clues in there.

Bob: me and Blu will go check in the second cart.

Sayori: ok, and me and ski will try and check under the train.

(*Bob, Blu, and Sky leaves the cart*)

Sayori: well ski, let's try and figure out how to stop this train.

(*a hour and 30 minutes later*)

(*the door opens and Blu, Sky, and Bob come back*)

Sayori: ah, you guys are back, did you find any clues.

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