The little princess

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Age: 8

Michako was now 8 years old, and it was another normal day of playing and fun. The boys and Michako had built a blanket fort and pretended it was a castle. Raph had Michako on his shoulders, pretending he was knight, protecting her, the princess, from the dragon. Donnie was pretending to be the dragon.

"Rarr! You will fear my fiery rage upon you!"

"I will not be defeated! Take this!"

Raph poked Donnie with his pool noodle sword, and Donnie fell to the ground.

"Augh! You have defeated me! Nooooooo!" 

Michako giggled, and Raph put her down onto the ground and then bowed to her. 

"I have slayed the dragon princess! The kingdom is saved!" 

"Yayyy!" Exclaimed Leo and Mikey.

They all started laughing as they pretended to be a royal family, then they all heard their father call for them. 

"Kids! Lunch!"

The children ran into the kitchen and sat down. Splinter handed them all plates with fries and sandwiches. They started eating once their father had sat down with his tea. 

"Hey princess could you pass me the salt?" Asked Leo.

"What?" Said Michako, half laughing.

"Oops sorry! I mean Mich, could I have the salt?"

Michako giggled as she passed the salt to her older brother.

"Princess huh? Heh, well you all certainly treat her like one." Chuckled Splinter.

"Yeah! Princess is a cute nickname!" Said Raph.

"I like calling her that! Princess!" Mikey agreed.

Michako was just laughing the entire time. 

"That's it! We're calling you princess from now on Mich." Donnie said.

Michako just kept laughing and was able to sputter out "Okay!"

Little did she know that it'd be her nickname for the rest of her life.

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