Sharp teeth

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Age: 7

Michako was now seven. She had grown up for two years with the turtles, Splinter and the boys treated her well. She was less afraid of people yelling, but was still very scared of fire and people specfically yelling at her. She had gotten a little taller and her hair got a bit longer. She wore clothes that Splinter found in the back of Goodwills. She loved learning how to cook, and she drew almost all the time.

Now she was sitting on the couch with Donnie watching a show. It was about a vampire princess, who had to hide among other humans to blend in. She was after the monster hunter that killed her family, and the movie ended with the humans accepting her and her stopping the monster hunter. 

Michako loved it and her and Donnie started to play pretend, she was the vampire princess, and Donnie was the vampire's best friend, a werewolf boy. 

"The monster hunter is defeated! We won the battle!" Shouted Michako.

"Woo!" Cheered Donnie

They giggled and landed on the couch. 

"Man, being a vampire sounds so cool!" Said Michako.

"What do you think is cool?" Asked Donnie.

"They can turn into bats, they have sharp teeth, and they are invincible, plus they live forever!" 

"But if you live forever, then you wouldn't be able to grow old with us!" 

"Oh, I guess you're right, well then I would just want all the other powers!"

"Why'd you want sharp teeth?" 

"Then I can be like you guys! You, Raph, Leo, and Mikey all have sharp teeth!" 

"Hmmm, maybe we can give you sharp teeth..." 

"Really?!?!" Said Michako, excitedly. 

"Yeah, but it'd be a little painful, are you okay with that?"

"YES! SHARP TEETH! LET'S DO THIS!" She happily shouted.

"Okay, come on!" Giggled Donnie. 

They ran into the kitchen and Donnie pulled a nail file out of one of the drawers. He ran to his room with Michako following along. 

"Okay sit down." Said Donnie, pointing at his bed.

She plopped down on the bed, and Donnie sat down in front of her.

"Okay! Two vampire fangs coming up!" He said. 

*Time skip*

Michako was staring at herself in the mirror, checking out her new fangs. Donnie had used the nail file to sharpen her canine teeth, and she knew they would stay like this (she had already had lost her baby canine teeth). 

"What do you think?" Asked Donnie.

"I LOVE IT!" She said, pulling him into a hug.

"You're welcome little sis!" Donnie said, hugging her back. 

Even though Donnie had been diagnosed with autism and he didn't really like hugs, he liked only Michako's because it let him know he was being a good brother. 

"Let's go show dad!" She said, running out of the bathroom. 

Splinter was sitting in his chair, reading a book, enjoying his coffee, when his two kids ran in.

"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Look! Donnie gave me fangs!" His daughter exclaimed.

She showed off her sharp teeth, and Splinter nearly choked on his coffee.

"Donnie used the nail file, and now Imma vampire!" She exclaimed happily.

"*Cough* What? *cough cough* Michako!?! You're not supposed to do that! That is not good for your teeth!" 

"Oh, I wanted it to be cool." She said sadly. 

"Hey Dad! Don't blame her! She just wanted sharp teeth like us! I did that to her! Blame me!" Said Donnie. 

Splinter sighed, and then chuckled. His kids were stubborn, but he loved them.

"No, it's fine, I see you just wanted to be like your brothers, and Donnie you were just trying to be a good brother. You look great Michako, besides, that will be helpful in the future when you become a full on ninja." He said to cheer them up.

Michako perked up and smiled "Thanks Dad!" 

Michako grabbed Donnie's hand and said "Let's go show our brothers!"

They giggled and ran out of the room. 

Little did Michako know, those teeth would come in handy in the future. 

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