Geology File 2: Noctis Moonstone

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These astounding and etheral looking gemstones first appeared two years after the birth of Vesperus. They have been found deep, and I do mean deep within the Chasm's mines casting a soft glow. Upon investigations scholars have discovered the stone to have healing properties on those suffering from stress or nightmares. Just holding a small piece induces a state of calm. It is for this reason the jewel quickly gained popularity with the people of Sumeru, veteran warriors, and retired soldiers. 

Many myths and legends have begun to surround this crystal that is rich in hydro and cryo energy. Some believe it to be shards of the old moon that was destroyed and rained down like falling stars. Others claim it is a jewel that shouldn't be trusted and believe it to have origins in abyss. While far more believe these gems to be the tears of the young moon god himself. For those that believe it comes from Vesperus, they would be right.

Vesperus created this gem as a gift for his father on his birthday around the same time as his sister did the gift for their mother. He made the jewel have properties that could help his father's severe anxiety attacks and nightmares. It was also this crystal he gave to the Tsarista after she opened up her heart. Its for this reason the crystal has another name: "The Tears of Love." by Snezhnaya. This crystal is very loved by the Cryo Archon's people and it has become a rapid favorite gift between loved ones.

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