Botany File 2: Smolder Lily

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***Exclusive to the Xiaolumi Series***

Smolder Lilies are a beautiful flower that can only grow in arid or tropical climates of Sumeru. They particularly grow abondant across the volcanic mountains of Natlan and in desert oasis. Scholars of Teyvet are not sure why these beautiful flowers favor places that majority of plants would not. Smolder lilies get their names for their six petals that are the color of burning, smoldering wood or magma. Thus the name, Smolder lily was chosen when they were discovered not long after the Chronos Eclipse. 

For another reason unknown these lilies have recently been discovered to be very rich in pyro and geo energies. They have fire resistant properties so strong not even a flameflower or pyro slime can put hem on fire. in fact these flowers seem to do the opposite they FEED on fire and pyro energy. For this reason the Akademiya has started looking into making antifire measures and fire repellents from the nectar these flowers create. The nectar from these plants have been described to be so spicey they put Hara Fruits to shame. 

Unknown to humanity however these lilies are a favorite of the Sun Goddess, Solis along with the sunflowers native to Fontaine. Its said wherever Solis descends or runs these flowers will bloom as she brings spring, summer, and the dry season with her....or so the legend goes. Whatever the case the precious lilies have become very popular by florists and those that practice flower arranging. Some botanists are even trying to figure out how to safely cultivate and grow them for study. 

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