File 16: The Four Luminaries

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It is said while the False King had his shadows the true king, had four blinding lights. Each just as dangerous, astonishing, and beautiful as the last. They are the children of the Fell Star of Fate and the upholder of the natural order. As a scribe here within dark abyss let me tell you of these children that uphold and now are few divine that still intervene in this age of humanity fifty years since the fated calamity of the Twilight of the Gods. 

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Pluton the Spiteful

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Pluton the Spiteful

The young of Emperor consort, Alatus has earned quite the reputation not all of it deserving, some would say and claim his aliases such as "God of Fear" and "God Nightmares" is deserving. To those I laugh at their folly for they do not know the Abyssal Moon's gifts and kindness. But be still the weary O Seeker. The Wolf of Snezhnaya guards is family and what he treasures well. One forms a contract with the Soul Shepherd at their peril, Liyue and Sumeru know this well. For if you can't keep your contract it'll be your soul that pays the price. After all the law of Life and death must be kept in balance, one life can't be saved without exchanging it for will do well to remember this dear Seeker. For the young Czar of House Xenia is the upholder of this very law and one of the Heralds of Ragnarök, Hati the God Eater. But oh child, do not be afraid of his reputation and deeds for in truth he is a very gentle and loving heart. If you can look past the fear the night can bring you may find yourself a wise guiding king, gentle as a shepherd with his flock. But never forget he is the wolf but also the lamb and if you listen you might hear the cry of his loyal rifthound, Garm and spot him with his lone rabbit at his side.

 But never forget he is the wolf but also the lamb and if you listen you might hear the cry of his loyal rifthound, Garm and spot him with his lone rabbit at his side

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Ceres The Mocking One

If you find yourself O Seeker hearing a jubilious laugh on the spring breeze or a war cry on the summer wind, step cautiously child. That is the voice of another of children of Allmother descending onto the land. Wherever she runs creation and destructions follows in her wake. Like clockwork she arrives to make winter recede and summon forth the seasons that promise a bounty of plenty. The first born daughter like her younger twin brother upholds a vital law, the Law of Creation & Destruction. Her destructive touch reduces all to smoldering ash at her whims if her daughter does not. Ceres' daughter, Ifritia the Fire Spirit is just as dangerous and her most loyal of retainers. If she frightens you you have every reason to be for she and her brother are never far from one another, forever in an eternal dance of balance. However Ceres is also the Lord of the Hunt and God of Plenty, she watches over the hunters, farmers, warriors, and adventurers alike. She is greatly revered in Inazuma's Narukami populace and the Natlan tribes. Like her brother is a Warg of Fate, the God Eater so never forget this single truth.

 Like her brother is a Warg of Fate, the God Eater so never forget this single truth

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Juno The Aegis

Her Royal Highness, Zaria Morag Aion, the crown princess and heiress to Allmother's throne is the leader of the Four Divine Lights. Hailed as the Fell Star Thelesis or Juno the Aegis,  the heavenly celestial princess is very well loved and protected by all she meets and befriends. She inherited much of her parents' unique abilities and is a divine yaksha nature spirit that has long evolved from her predecessors of yore. My dear Seeker do be mindful of your manners when you speak with the princess won't you? She controls the very heavens itself and the laws it hold that we can't comprehend. Out of all of them only she is capable of following the steps beyond the realms with her seven rainbow tails and her wish granting pearl of the stars. You will do well remember one thing about the God of Marriage, Maidens, & Childbirth: Do NOT interfere with sincere, honest lovers in ways that harm them, do NOT hurt the innocence she protects, and most of all do NOT cross her. The second born daughter and heir of House Aion has a vengeful, vindictive temper on all those that earn her ire. Her last spouse learned this the hard way I hear and now he is forever falling in the bottom void of the River Styx for all eternity for cheating on her while her family just clapped and watched the punishment. If however you spy a rainbow feather held by a couple you might spot the mischievous joyful princess, her lone star beast phoenix familiar, Caihong at her side.

 If however you spy a rainbow feather held by a couple you might spot the mischievous joyful princess, her lone star beast phoenix familiar, Caihong at her side

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Regulus The Watcher

The youngest child and second Son of Alatus is as wise as he is elusive, born a decade after the war of the heavens and humanity. Hailed as the young Lord of Tradition & Prosperity, there are those that think he is Morax's successor and thus, the new Geo Archon. But my dear Seeker, that regime has long vanished with the old world that Allmother burned away. In truth the youngest child, a dragon yaksha with scales that shine azure and bright as gold is the upholder the laws surrounding the boundaries placed to separate the Human Realm from the Light and Void Realms and the border with the Forbidden Land, Arcadia. The land where all the elemental lifeforms now dwell hidden in a veil-like mirror that exists same time as the human world. only the young Archduke, Lord Regulus or "Qinglong" as he was named can see between borders and enter and go freely. What humanity are not aware of this youngest child is in fact the reincarnated former Lord of Geo, his soul now free and reborn anew. At his side his faithful familiar, a white electro tiger stays faithfully and aiding him. But my dear Seeker even knows a day must come when he must find his own way in the world, but for now he remains young with his wise watchful eyes full of wonder at the realms numbering three.


With dear Seeker I set my pen aside and sign this entry off for the Elysium records.

~Unknown Abyssal Scribe

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