Chapter 2: My darling

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Shoto's pov:
I start sobbing as my 'father' burned me repeatedly on my stomach. I feel hopeless, I will never escape this world of agony and depression. I close my eyes hoping to at least lessen the pain, but I can't reopen them. I could hear screaming, but this was Endeavor.

Who would attack the 2nd pro hero, and why? I think to myself for a while until I could finally open my eyes. I see blood. I look at my hands and see the crimson liquid in every nail and on every knuckle. 'What happened?' I look and see Endeavor's body. He was bloody, and had a knife stuck in his throat.

For the first time in 5 years...I smiled. I laughed, and I smiled. I was happy, happy things were over. I was free, and I finally felt hope. That soon ended when I saw 4 bodies lying on the ground.
My mother, brothers, and sister were all dead.. I killed them. Why? I only meant to get revenge on my 'Father.' The fake hero. The villain. So, why did the innocent suffer? Is this normal? Do innocent people really get hurt this easily? If so, then I must fix this.

Time skip [ Shoto ran to the park ]
I ran as fast as I could. I needed to fix things, or at least make myself feel better. I sat on the swings and after a while I looked around and saw the most beautiful boy I have ever seen.

My mouthed gaped open and my eyes sparkled. We made eye contact and he smiled at me, then began walking over. My heart raced and my cheeks felt warm. He was gorgeous, he was glowing! He is perfect. What if he ends up like my family? No one this perfect should be wasted or forgotten. He deserves me, and I deserve him. We are made for eachother!

I will protect you, My love.

My dear Izuku...I will do ANYTHING to make you mine. ~TodoDeku~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt